Turds Towns don't mean nearly as much anymore in events themselves, since the devs have all but removed the production quests...
...on the other hand, the sheer amount of "gain relics", "encounters and/or tournament encounters", "encounters and/or spire encounters", "gain vision vapors", is now off the charts.
I really wish they'd come up with a better balance between production quests vs. these others, since we've simply gone from one extreme to the exact opposite. (ie: used to be at least 20-30% more "finish X production Y times" quests)
The real downside being that now, events are ALOT! less friendly to early game players who don't have the sizable relic stores to produce the 'oodles of CC's that events are now demanding.
Throwing in multiple 24hr workshop production quests, and much higher numbers of 3hr/9hr goods quests would still slow things down for anyone who's in the middle of a guest race.
Putting back in some of the (heinous!) "produce 80-100+ 5min workshop productions" will slow down all but the largest Turd Towns.
Other alternative quest ideas could be formatted to include things like "Scout/Research, OR, gain X Mana/Orks", "Recruit X units, OR, gain Y Mana/Seeds", etc...