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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Orc creation

    I need a lot of orcs to upgrade my main hall. I have two armories churning them out and an ancient wonder producing more. Is there any way to procure or buy more?
  2. orcs

    I am getting a lot of provinces requiring orcs. I read that I have to wait until level 20 to get them. Is this correct? Is there another way to get orcs? I am at level 6 right now
  3. Orc Residence miscalculated

    This isn't really a bug, but I think the new Orc Residences were miscalculated on the population gain. Level 20 should give you 300 (or even 350-400) more population, not 200. With the change in size (+50%) the change in population should be a little over +50%. Since level 19 is 550...
  4. Forum Search doesn't allow short keywords

    If the forum doesn't allow short keywords, how am I supposed to find out what an Orc is?
  5. maeter75

    Decrease in Population for Orc Housing

    This bug is for the Upgrade of Housing to Orc Housing (Orc Residences) from Level 19 to Level 20 (and also level 21). At Level 19 Housing is 68.75 people per square when you upgrade to level 20 (Orc Residences) it goes down to 62.5 per square. In all the other levels of housing there is...