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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Ronaldson

    What's the deal with the lack of Scroll players in the game?

    Forgive me in advance...New to the forum, but i've been playing for over a year. We are having a very hard time of keeping/finding good, solid scroll boosted players. We thought we had a good one, but she's been MIA for over a week or more. The AM is trying to reach out to her. It seems that...
  2. Mystics Of Elvenar - US Felyndral

    Mystics of Elvenar on US3-Felyndral is searching for 4 active players to join our friendly & helpful family. We are a fellowship built on trust, respect, assistance and friendship and to help each other grow and succeed. We offer an Ancient Wonder round robin (KP share club), and weekly updates...
  3. Tanis-Wulf

    Are you boosted in Steel, Scrolls and Elixer?

    If you are boosted in Steel, Scrolls and Elixer and have a score of 20,000 or above, we have a place for you. Mystic Dream Riders in Arendyll is looking for someone like you. We are an active fellowship who offers fair trades and daily neighborly visits. No slackers allowed. We will help you...
  4. Active, Fun-Loving Competitors Welcomed

    Fair Trade Reborn is seeking a few active players to join our group of competitive, growing members. We do have a few requirements and a few preferences to help us all work together and support each other: Required: No drama. We are there to have fun. Please leave politics and strife for...
  5. Mystics of Elvenar is Recruiting!

    The Mystics of Elvenar is a fellowship built on trust, respect, assistance and friendship. We’re here to help each other grow and succeed. We are a great team and we work with our neighboring fellowships to increase teamwork and support through the quests and challenges. We are currently...
  6. Tanis-Wulf

    Looking for a Good Trading Fellowship?

    Mystic Dream Riders Fellowship is looking for a mid to upper level player with a boost in Magic Dust or Elixer (on the third tier), Scrolls or Silk (on the second tier) and Planks or Steel (on the first tier). If you have a good production of these items and are an active near-daily player then...
  7. Suka13

    Killgharrah (dragons who rule)

    Are you looking for escape, adventure and place for great conversation without Drama? Welcome to Killgharrah, Dragons who rule the sky, caves and the deep. We currently hold 6th place! We are currently in need of Steel, Planks, SCROLLS & Dust...but mostly ACTIVE players for our awesome...
  8. City of Fairies is Looking For You!!

    We are a dedicated, friendly fellowship and are looking for players who are boosted in PLANKS, SCROLLS, ELIXIR and MAGIC DUST. Please check us out to see if we would be a good fit for you. If applying, please provide your boosted goods, both current and future. (These can be found in you Main...
  9. edeba

    Keebler's Elves needs wood, steel, scrolls, silk, tier 3 even

    We have 5 spots available. Ideally planks, steel, scrolls, silk and tier 3 fairly even. We are very short on planks and somewhat short on steel. We are need scrolls and silk, with scrolls needed the most. Level 3 goods seem to work out fairly well, maybe a little uneven towards magic dust...
  10. 13th RANKED "ELVENAR`S PROTECTION" seeks New Member

    Looking for a Active player with boost in Steel/Planks-Scrolls-M.Dust/Elix. Will adjust boosts for right player :) We have a player that has retired and looking to match. Score 30000/40000/50000 only. Our FS. is very active -friendly,Helpful and Mostly - our members are daily players ...
  11. Hard Grafters ranking 3 recruiting

    Hard Grafters are recruiting active members with gems, scrolls and planks boost. You can apply directly in game. Our rules: "Hard Grafters are expected to play daily and visit daily. Any fellow not playing for three days will be warned, and if they fail to play over five days will be removed...
  12. No longer Recruiting...

    WE ARE NO LONGER RECRUITING!!! If you would like to join us, send a message to ElwoodofArdmore. We may find room for you. To be considered... Player must be Ranked in Top 800 with a score of 70K or More and Enjoy playing almost DAILY. It helps to be a good fit with our needs for Goods...
  13. Daily Player with Steel/Scrolls, and soon Dust

    I want to get into a fellowship that needs Steel Scrolls and dust and one that has regular visits to the members. I play off and on all thru the day and am a daily visitor, but am having trouble growing in this world because the majority of the fellowship I am in now produces steel and they...
  14. No longer Recruiting...

    WE ARE NO LONGER RECRUITING!!! If you would like to join us, send a message to ElwoodofArdmore. We may find room for you. To be considered... Player must be Ranked in Top 800 with a score of 70K+ & Enjoy playing almost DAILY. It helps to be a good fit with our needs for Goods Production...
  15. Looking for Steel and Scrolls Boosted Goods

    The Rebel Alliance fellowship is looking for a few members that have boosted goods of steel and scrolls. We require daily visits and daily fun. We prefer our members to build only boosted goods buildings.