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    Your Elvenar Team

Mystics Of Elvenar - US Felyndral


Mystics of Elvenar on US3-Felyndral is searching for 4 active players to join our friendly & helpful family. We are a fellowship built on trust, respect, assistance and friendship and to help each other grow and succeed. We offer an Ancient Wonder round robin (KP share club), and weekly updates and helpful hints to the game. We also encourage our people to engage in the weekly tournaments of your boost,and will help you with that as well. :)

We are looking for Steel & Planks, Scrolls & Silk, and Dust, with preferably all 3 boosts unlocked. We would take other boosts, as long as the person is active.  

What we expect from our people:
*Always post fair trades – at least 2 stars or better.
*Treat your neighbors and those within our fellowship with respect, as you will be treated the same.
*Visit at least 3 times a week
* We expect those within the FS to remain active and to let us know when they are going away for an extended period of time. Non-active players may find themselves removed in lieu of active players.
*We want everyone to have fun, so please respect each other, help each other, and let's grow together!

If interested, please either send myself (Adraistea) or Archmage Nuriyaturei a message in-game, or apply to our FS.