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    Your Elvenar Team

swapping runes

  1. Caribbean Kat

    Elven DragonFyre seeking 2 very active team players

    Now is your chance to join a winning team and reap the benefits of your efforts. We get 10+ Chests in Tourny every week and Gold in Spire at least once per month. We have very active KP and Rune swaps. We are always highly ranked in Adventures. This is a long established, DRAMA FREE, happy...
  2. Converting runes for one aw to another one or for a broken shard

    I am at the stage where I very rarely complete a province so I rarely have a chance to get new runes. When I do finally achieve this I am so disappointed that all I get is another rune for an aw I have and nothing for the newest ones I have just researched. I face the prospect of spending a...