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“Like” button in the lounge


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
Many of us enjoy the lounge in the Forum . It would be nice if there was a “like” button . Buttons of such encourage posters and allows the viewer to show their appreciation.
If this it possible …. Can you also add a ( like + ) ?? I’d ask for a heart ❤️ which is preferred lol …
Because sometimes just “liking” something isn’t enough . Sometimes you just love it .
If this has been asked and answered before , sorry ….
I just feel it’s needed :D


Shroom Aficionado
I'm with Muffy on this one!! It's how we express ourselves.



Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
I can't find now where it is specifically stated about this, but it is an intentional design for the forums to not allow Likes in the Lounge. Something about artificially inflating Likes because Likes are to show how helpful someone is with game-related posts only. Maybe @Villanesque or @Astram can point out where that info is located?
Hmmm … but how can a “like” define itself as … I “liked” you because you helped me … or I “liked” you because your font is beautiful?
A “like” can only describe a feeling . It’s a do or don’t .
The English definition according to Mister Webster : enjoy or approve of something or someone.
Its a positive reinforcement.


Shroom Aficionado
Hmmm … but how can a “like” define itself as … I “liked” you because you helped me … or I “liked” you because your font is beautiful?
A “like” can only describe a feeling . It’s a do or don’t .
The English definition according to Mister Webster : enjoy or approve of something or someone.
Its a positive reinforcement.
Exactly right Muffy.



Mathematician par Excellence
can't find now where it is specifically stated about this, but it is an intentional design for the forums to not allow Likes in the Lounge. Something about artificially inflating Likes because Likes are to show how helpful someone is with game-related posts only.
I too remember this explanation, but not the source.

Honestly though, do we care?

As someone who has gotten a few "likes" on these forums, I can honestly say I won't mind if someone uses the "count to 15 before a mod posts" thread to pull past me and earn more internet points. I have definitely reached for the like button in the lounge a few times myself though...

Edit: LoL after posting this the very next thread I opened was this : https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/mana.32675/post-272743
Where I immediately tried to like the helpful, game-related answers but couldn't.


Buddy Fan Club member
I'm with Soggy; remember it but don't remember the source. It tied into the Members page rankings labeled 'highest reaction score'. I guess that score is determined by the number of 'likes' you get? How many posters even look at that forum page, never mind care about it, lol?


Ex-Team Member
We have looked into this as on the surface it seemed like something we could do with small impact. However unfortunately after delving into it and discussing it internally, it seems that there were some quite legitimate reasons why this was deliberately deactivated originally, and we have been advised against reactivating this ability. I'm sorry not to have better news!


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
There is a set of "buttons" you can use to get the msg liked. They are: "L""I"K"E". Go to the bottom of the page and in the reply box hit those for "buttons" and then the "Post reply". I know it's a tedius work around to press 5 "buttons" instead of one, but I do think they won't take it away if we all do it.

AND it has the added feature that you can say WHY you like the post! Is that cool!
And there's no chance Soggy will be overtaken in "likes."
And it bypassing the "likes" counting system so no cheating!

Everybody wins, even Soggy!

But don't thank me for this wonderful work around. I only "discovered" it! :p

Can I get a "Like" on this?



There is a set of "buttons" you can use to get the msg liked. They are: "L""I"K"E". Go to the bottom of the page and in the reply box hit those for "buttons" and then the "Post reply". I know it's a tedius work around to press 5 "buttons" instead of one, but I do think they won't take it away if we all do it.

AND it has the added feature that you can say WHY you like the post! Is that cool!
And there's no chance Soggy will be overtaken in "likes."
And it bypassing the "likes" counting system so no cheating!

Everybody wins, even Soggy!

But don't thank me for this wonderful work around. I only "discovered" it! :p

Can I get a "Like" on this?



Well-Known Member
There is a set of "buttons" you can use to get the msg liked. They are: "L""I"K"E". Go to the bottom of the page and in the reply box hit those for "buttons" and then the "Post reply". I know it's a tedius work around to press 5 "buttons" instead of one, but I do think they won't take it away if we all do it.

AND it has the added feature that you can say WHY you like the post! Is that cool!
And there's no chance Soggy will be overtaken in "likes."
And it bypassing the "likes" counting system so no cheating!

Everybody wins, even Soggy!

But don't thank me for this wonderful work around. I only "discovered" it! :p

Can I get a "Like" on this?

Thanks for the reminder of something I thought about for myself before but kept on forgetting it in favor of grumbling about there not being a "Like" button. Maybe it's because I liked the Like Button's other ability to express approval of a post without actually saying anything, allowing others to point out things I was too lazy or blind to notice.

But! If you're going to do that... well. There's a shorter way to do it:


Please send help. My tophat is attempting to eat the emptiness underneath it and insert something somewhat resembling parbaked thinkmeats.


Though I do have to comment on one other thing. I've seen other Xenforo-driven forums implement more than just a "Like" button, and I was almost tempted to try to locally install a copy just to see how "easy" it is to "simply" add reaction buttons aside from just a "Like". Such as: Heart, Laughter, Informative, and Picard-Facepalm