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“Like” button in the lounge


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Thanks for the reminder of something I thought about for myself before but kept on forgetting it in favor of grumbling about there not being a "Like" button. Maybe it's because I liked the Like Button's other ability to express approval of a post without actually saying anything, allowing others to point out things I was too lazy or blind to notice.

But! If you're going to do that... well. There's a shorter way to do it:


Please send help. My tophat is attempting to eat the emptiness underneath it and insert something somewhat resembling parbaked thinkmeats.


Though I do have to comment on one other thing. I've seen other Xenforo-driven forums implement more than just a "Like" button, and I was almost tempted to try to locally install a copy just to see how "easy" it is to "simply" add reaction buttons aside from just a "Like". Such as: Heart, Laughter, Informative, and Picard-Facepalm

But what if I like it more than +1? Can we do, like, +100? ;>)

The thing is, though, you are right. Only 3 "buttons." Cool!



Chef - loquacious Old Dog
My understanding was that it put the emphasis on the non-game aspects of discussion and thus, the contributions to the game were, by comparison, less encouraged. But making "like" only applicable to posts on the game (and thus narrowing the content by which you could earn a "like") one has to suppose one gets more game centered "likable" things.

That's just my understanding, though. I could be wrong.
