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[10647] Unread Notifications Glitched


Game version: v1.9.12-(9b90ed6) (2016-07-18 8:43)
Game world: Arendyll
Browser + version: Chrome 51.0.2704.106 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 SP1
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name: Shendare
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: N/A (if applicable)

Current situation:
After viewing all notifications, GUI resets to showing the same unread notifications

Expected situation:
No unread notifications indicator after having checked all notifications

Reproduction Steps
Log in to more than 50 new notifications (in my case, 61 apparently)
2. Review all notifications that fit in the notifications list (50)
3. Do something to cause the browser to contact the server again (collect a tax, for example)
4. Note that you're shown you still have unread notifications (the original number minus the 50 from the list)

I assume the glitched notifications are the ones that couldn't fit in the 50 in the window. I thought it might go away on its own, but after several days and multiple clearings of browser cache, it remains. It also occurs in all browsers.

Screenshots of the bug:

1. Logging In:

2. Viewing notifications:

3. Interacting with game (collecting a residence's taxes) and indicator resets to 11:

4. Same behavior in Firefox:


Hi Shendare -

Thank you for your report.

We have been able to confirm and forward to our development team for correction. :)


Game version: v1.9.12-(9b90ed6) (2016-07-18 8:43)
Game world: Arendyll
Browser + version: Chrome 51.0.2704.106 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 SP1
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name: Shendare
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: N/A (if applicable)

Current situation:
After viewing all notifications, GUI resets to showing the same unread notifications

Expected situation:
No unread notifications indicator after having checked all notifications

Reproduction Steps
Log in to more than 50 new notifications (in my case, 61 apparently)
2. Review all notifications that fit in the notifications list (50)
3. Do something to cause the browser to contact the server again (collect a tax, for example)
4. Note that you're shown you still have unread notifications (the original number minus the 50 from the list)

I assume the glitched notifications are the ones that couldn't fit in the 50 in the window. I thought it might go away on its own, but after several days and multiple clearings of browser cache, it remains. It also occurs in all browsers.

Screenshots of the bug:

1. Logging In:

2. Viewing notifications:

3. Interacting with game (collecting a residence's taxes) and indicator resets to 11:

4. Same behavior in Firefox:
I have had the same for days, Put in a ticket 2 days ago. Seems like they cant fix it. The new update didn't fix it

Maz Mellor

Well-Known Member
Same situation for me in my city on Arendyll, only the magic number of permanently 'unread' notifications is 9....


Same on Elcysandir. And on the dutch server as well.

Using opera browser


I have just experienced this today for the first time. Had 58 notifications, 8 keep coming up as unread although I've read all of the list. Refreshed, shut game down and log back in, no change. I'm using Internet Explorer.


I have that same problem along with other issues on all five cities. In Arendyll, I have 10 notifications pending every time I reenter from either another page or from restart and the world map has an issue along with my guild having issues of the city piling on top of itself and I use the +/- key to straighten it out but it happens in 2-1 of all my cities and I am having another issue now where the research portal has stopped allowing me to do research on a upgrade after inserting up to 34 KPs in the past three days and now I have no access at all to anything within my research portal.

Frustrated does not begin to express my frustrations.


I am having another issue now where the research portal has stopped allowing me to do research on a upgrade after inserting up to 34 KPs in the past three days and now I have no access at all to anything within my research portal.
I'm assuming you mean the technology tree (I don't have any actual portals yet to know if this is something else) - that's part of the newly required Wonders research update. You can't progress in any of your current research without going back to all the previous Wonder technologies and completing them, even if you've already started a different advanced research :(


I have that same problem along with other issues on all five cities. In Arendyll, I have 10 notifications pending every time I reenter from either another page or from restart and the world map has an issue along with my guild having issues of the city piling on top of itself and I use the +/- key to straighten it out but it happens in 2-1 of all my cities and I am having another issue now where the research portal has stopped allowing me to do research on a upgrade after inserting up to 34 KPs in the past three days and now I have no access at all to anything within my research portal.

Frustrated does not begin to express my frustrations.
You can also use the wheel on your mouse to straighten up the cluster cities. Just scroll in and out☺


This should be resolved in our current game version. Should it reoccur, please let us know :)