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    Your Elvenar Team

12 Hour Production Times


I would just like to understand why in the world were 12 hour production times were implemented when the vast majority of players already complain about how the slow gaming process is, to begin with. I just don't get it. I sit in amazement looking at my game screen scratching my head going WTF. It's like an intentional dismissal of what so many of us have been saying for over a year. I feel like the developers are sitting back and wondering just how much they can screw with all of us before we finally just chuck this game to the side, toss the money we've spent down the drain and walk away. Here's for saving space and downsizing some of our buildings the last two chapters to ya'll just making them bigger again to the point I have to take stuff out to make room. The ten expansions do not offer enough room. Out went a Wonder, a Dust Factory, Culture I paid cash for. I can't remove anything more or I won't be able to play my game at all. I need my peeps and my supplies.
I have cities in the 11th ring still in the never ending Dwarven chapter that I can't negotiate because I need Ors, why should that chapter be affecting my game play when I am still almost 2 chapters from it?
I've spent enough money on this game, too much money, that I'm no longer spending it in here. Interface changes are being done that really don't need to be bothered with, I could see the Magic Crappery icons just fine as they were. The runes icon was sufficient, why not fix the things we are actually complaining about, or would that make for too many happy players? Do we really a roped off area showing where to place expansions, was the green footprint not enough? You're doing crap that doesn't even matter to any of us.
Thanks for the Fairies, that was actually an enjoyable chapter even if it left my main hall looking like a mutant head of cabbage. Heaven forbids we like the game too much.


I'm really having trouble with the 12 hour timers too. Even if it was changed to 9 hours that would help so much. I can't explain why they are so bad, but they really are.


I feel like the developers are sitting back and wondering just how much they can screw with all of us before we finally just chuck this game to the side, toss the money we've spent down the drain and walk away.

Well said


I don't see why they can't run on the same times that our goods are on. Keep them in sync with the rest of the game , but Noooooo let's see how much we can make them unhappy and stretch this game out even longer. if it wasn't for the money I've spent in it i would have already chucked it. The thought is becoming more attractive all of the time when I think how long all this Orc dung is taking...that is what this is , a pile of Orc Dung.


The thought is becoming more attractive all of the time when I think how long all this Orc dung is taking...that is what this is , a pile of Orc Dung.

I haven't reached Orcs yet, but it sounds like they're constipated. Maybe if we could manufacture laxative mushrooms? Future spell idea...


Don't get in any hurry to get there, oh wait they took any hurry out of the game that may have been there, my bad o_O


I am still trying to figure out what some of the stuff you can make with the goblins is used for. There is a mystery mushroom, and a stick that I can't find a use for yet. maybe I just missed it.