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[12770] Dwarven Portal disappeared?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3821
  • Start date


One of my FS players has "lost" her dwarven portal. The space is there, but the building is gone. Vanished. It is, no more. The player is in Arendyll. Has anyone else had a building vanish on them?

Sorry I don't have all the info you request, but it isn't my issue personally. blukitten2 has the issue.


Hi all,

This is a confirmed issue and seems to occur when you upgrade a building to a new size and half the building is allowed to go off your map without telling you that you need to "upgrade and move". Will keep you updated on this issue as we get more information.


Hi all,

This is a confirmed issue and seems to occur when you upgrade a building to a new size and half the building is allowed to go off your map without telling you that you need to "upgrade and move". Will keep you updated on this issue as we get more information.
Do you have any idea how long it will take to make her portal reappear? Can they do that now, or do they have to fix the bug first?


Well, blu got her portal back, but she had to purchase an expansion. Support wasn't able to help.