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[17686] Notification Trouble


Me and a lot of my members had trouble with the notification button on Winy, but it seems it's working for most of us again. :)


It's not working for me or my hubby on E server this morning.


Buddy Fan Club member
@ylime: did you have any members join or leave your fellowship? I think what's happening is the joining/leaving notification causes the glitch: the page that notification is on will not come up. So, while it is on the 1st page, everyone sees their notifications are not working. Once it reaches the 2nd page, notifications appear to load correctly. But a detailed look will show you that page 2 is just a repeat of page 1. At that point you can move through all the other pages. Once it is bumped entirely off the last page, then notifications start working properly. I kept thinking it was fixed, then broke again. Now I don't think it was ever fixed.


Ah, I see. Thanks for that...we did have someone leave this morning. I do hope they get this right soon.


The issue is intermittent; it will occur sometimes, but not others. If it stops working, you can always try a refresh to see if this brings the notifications back again. In the meantime, the issue is being worked on, but the fix may not be available until the next release.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this!


Notifications in the K world for my fellowship are now causing trouble. Mine just keeps saying they are loading. I signed out cleared everything and still having this issue. Just sits and spins .. Loading notifications..


did you have any members join or leave your fellowship? I think what's happening is the joining/leaving notification causes the glitch: the page that notification is on will not come up. So, while it is on the 1st page, everyone sees their notifications are not working. Once it reaches the 2nd page, notifications appear to load correctly. But a detailed look will show you that page 2 is just a repeat of page 1. At that point you can move through all the other pages. Once it is bumped entirely off the last page, then notifications start working properly. I kept thinking it was fixed, then broke again. Now I don't think it was ever fixed.

Yes we just added a new player.. smh..


Buddy Fan Club member
Thanks, Alyndra. This is a major undertaking to figure out all the glitches and still devote time to developing new content. I feel for the technical staff.


Hi all,

Please be aware that we are expecting this issue to be corrected with our update this coming week. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

Thank you for your cooperation!


All has been working for a few days now. Do you think it is fixed?


Buddy Fan Club member
All has been working for a few days now. Do you think it is fixed?
Aider posted somewhere that they corrected it with a hotfix this past Monday. Hopefully, the update this past week applied a permanent fix, as I have not seen any issues either in several days.