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New Game Features 6 & 12 Hour Option


New Member
I have been playing for over 6 years and have always used the options that were given for goods manufactories and workshop in regard to how many hours you have to complete for the goods/workshop. When I'm working I use the 9 hour option but sometimes don't come home until after I'm gone for 12 hours or close to it. Contrary, when I'm home and busy working in or out of the house the 3 hour option is too short and the 9 hour option is too long so I thought if a 6 hour & a 12 hour option could be added to both the manufactories and workshop it may be very convenient for many people. What do you think?


Tetris Master
The issue with 12 hrs, like we have for Orc production in Armories, is that cumulatively you quickly end up having to skip a cycle. If you have to skip a 3hr cycle, that's ok, but skipping 6 or 12 hour productions hurts resource production more.