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    Your Elvenar Team

[8529] Barracks training


New Member
What do I do in this section?

Want to make a difference to the game quality? This section concentrates on reporting bugs by the community. The confirmed reported issues will be delegated to the development team for processing. We greatly appreciate your contributions and are looking forward to working, posting and testing our game issues!

What should I do if the bug affects my game play in a way where I can't continue playing?
As a temporary solution we would advise that you try another browser until the issue is resolved.

When you post a bug please include as much detail as possible

Game version:
__ (right click ingame, click the version number to copy it, paste here)
Game world: first 4 servers, dont know about the new one
Browser + version: __chrome
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __
Screen resolution: __
Account name: __Bootsie
Humans or Elves: __both

Reproducibility: 5/5 always happens

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
text when you hover over training is wrong on treants, golems, sorceress, paladin and priests. It states a huge amount of supplies needed and long train time per squad. However, it seems to charge correctly and not take the 18 hours as stated.


Expected situation:

Reproduction Steps
__open barracks
2. __train treants, golems,sorceress,paladin or priest
3. __
4. __
5. __

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug: see reply below for screenshot (I hope)
Also: Only 1 issue per topic please! We cannot keep track if a topic is filled with bugs.

If there are any questions regarding this template, please send a message to Support.

Thanks again for helping us make Elvenar better!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
Last edited:


New Member


Yeah, I noticed that too. The numbers shown in the Tooltip are wayyyyyy off. But If you select a unit and look at the numbers at the bottom of the Training Page/Tab, they show the correct amounts. And the correct amounts and times are used after you queue up the training. But seeing Golem I first thing today showing a cost of over 55K supplies and a time to train of almost a full day... I had to grab a full pot of coffee to make sure I was awake, and not still sleeping. Having a nightmare.

Okay, this whole update is a hot mess of a nightmare right now. Hopefully the techs will get the coding straightened out soon. (Why do I feel like someone is saying that at least once a day here, more often after a "bug fix" or "update"... o_O)


This problem should be resolved in the current game version. If not, please let us know :)