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    Your Elvenar Team

[9418] Tournament: 0 Squad Size


A couple of times when I've entered a tournament encounter, the order of battle shows my Squad Size to be 0 (zero), and the available squads to be correspondingly >999, i.e. infinite. It allows me to select five squads of zero units, though as you can imagine I have not attempted to fight with them.

So far this appears to fix with refresh. Will report back if I notice any correlations for this behavior.


They've also reported and confirmed the bug, over in Beta, so we're hoping that all we have to do is wait it out.

DON'T fight with zero units per squad, because you'll lose the units that should have been in the squad.
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Can someone verify that if this is noticed and the battle is aborted before going to the battlefield, that no troops are lost?


This has happened to me on several occasions and I lost troops before I knew what was happening. Yet today, I just went thru 11 - level 3 tournaments without incident, so it may be corrected. ....or perhaps only shows up early in the tournament levels.

According to Katwijk above, I probably lost my squads, but honestly I didn't notice if I did or didn't? I assumed not, because they were listed as zero.


This problem should be resolved now. If not, please let us know :)