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    Your Elvenar Team

A challenge for the developers


Hahaha. When neither of them are partially completed you always decline the top one. This ultimately results in the bottom one being the #10 that will stay there, and through the whole of it you have 1 click target. The only time it gets tough is when you have 1 partial and something else is getting cycled.



Yes, they should. They really should...

I know some of us were saying we wanted the ability to skip quests in events, but we did NOT mean quest cycling. *face palm* I think most of us agree we meant something more along the lines of a pull out tab or a drop menu. -_-


Agreed. That is not very trustworthy answer to say that "current quest system can't do something else..."
They that are developers, can do more than that.
If not, then it is lack of will or they are not skilled enough to do something else.
Also they should be careful to let quest live if they haven't been made it the best they can... this word can ""sarcastic"" may developers understand right.
If players don't like of what they do, they will change game.
So it happened with FV2


I think most of us agree we meant something more along the lines of a pull out tab or a drop menu. -_-
I agree and its been asked for many times to change the quest system to a drop down menu
That way we don't have to decline so many quests to reach the one we want
Every time its been suggested to make quest cycling easier its been shot down (by some of the players asking for it now ironically)
The reason being that the devs never intended for players to cycle thru the quests:rolleyes:
It appears that the devs have NO PROBLEM with quest cycling just as I have always thought
They seem to be encouraging it with this recent event

The devs cant change the way we choose the event quests without changing the way we choose the in game quests
So if you want a drop down menu for event quests be prepared to get one for the game quests:D


Mathematician par Excellence
Every time its been suggested to make quest cycling easier its been shot down (by some of the players asking for it now ironically)
I still say the quest cycling is an abomination, and needs to be replaced rather than improved, as I always have.
It appears that the devs have NO PROBLEM with quest cycling just as I have always thought
Of course the devs have "no problem" with quest cycling- it means not putting any effort into replacing it with something better.
So if you want a drop down menu for event quests be prepared to get one for the game quests:D
I agree, whatever fix they put in for the FA quests could be used in the game as well, but there is still the faint hope that in the game they could make quests truly interesting(link)
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The devs cant change the way we choose the event quests without changing the way we choose the in game quests
There is no evidence to support that. They could make something different for the event. All 10 could be in a single popup window that has different lines saying what to produce for each one and a button to collect. Then they just have one face on the left and anytime something is added to any of the requested productions is shows the exclamation point and when something is available to collect it shows the check mark. What they did just showed a level of laziness and lack of creativity.


Mathematician par Excellence
There is no evidence to support that. They could make something different for the event. All 10 could be in a single popup window that has different lines saying what to produce for each one and a button to collect.
like this:@Andrew420
(image borrowed from @floki here https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/fellowship-adventure-improvements.9119/)
Replacing the FA with this would be great, but replacing the in game cycling with it would be just "OK".
It would be better of course, just not nearly as interesting as mykan's idea
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Please developers find something more efficient that cycling quests! So tedious to scroll through over and over and over again to find what you need.


Oh Wise One
What they did just showed a level of laziness and lack of creativity.

I agree that I would like to see something less annoying than cycling.
Something like Soggy's graphic would be nice.


Maybe we could speak a bit less harshly about the devs in this case.
They did just give us something new and interesting after all.


Buddy Fan Club member
Every time its been suggested to make quest cycling easier its been shot down (by some of the players asking for it now ironically)
The reason being that the devs never intended for players to cycle thru the quests:rolleyes:
It appears that the devs have NO PROBLEM with quest cycling just as I have always thought
They seem to be encouraging it with this recent event
I don't think the players have 'shot down' the idea of making quest cycling easier. I have seen them pass along the answers received from developers/moderator for years when uninformed players ask about making it easier (and ask about rotating buildings, having the ability to store buildings, etc, etc). Those persons do not continue to answer questions they have already answered, either here or in beta. Some of our forum members participate in beta and are gracious enough to bring info they learn there to all of us here.
That said, I don't think they are 'encouraging' quest cycling. I think they hate how much work it would be to change it now so quests cannot be cycled. I have a vision in my head of someone going 'you want to cycle quests? here you go...cycle this!'


Buddy Fan Club member
And I agree with mucksterme, the FA is new and interesting. Our young FS was skeptical at first, but we've got a core group that has been trying and we've seen more and more members begin to participate and have fun with it as the week went on. We're going to finish stage 3, having only done the one path through each stage probably sometime tomorrow. I don't think that's too shabby when in an FS of 24 members, the highest score is under 50,000


Mathematician par Excellence
the FA is new and interesting.
I also like it, it's just too bad that inno had a self-imposed deadline to get it out before school started up. This lead to an inferior product that could have been much better. Hopefully they take the next month to make some of the needed changes that were super obvious to the Beta "testers" within hours of it's release.


Oh Wise One
Just do away with the quest acceptance completely, and have the list of badges available and have all badges active for earning at all times during the event, so that you don't have to screw around with picking them at all. The list should only exist so you can see your progress and where to pick up a badge more easily.

The only advantage to the existing system is if you are a physician who makes your living off treating repetitive-stress injuries.


Set Designer
Andrew, the fact that the FA beta messed up and cut short the Masquerade beta is evidence of a self-imposed deadline.


Oh Wise One
The "before school is back" part is the bit that lacks evidence. I may have contributed to that by musing that it would make sense. It provides a "hook" to get players to draw in their friends.