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    Your Elvenar Team

A Separate Category for Newbies


Platinum Leaf -FB
We have 3 Categories:

Help and Ideas

Please make another one: Helpful Information for 'Noobies'.

It would be immensely helpful for entrance-level players to find all the stuff they need in one place - I for one would contribute regularly. There are many threads in the Ideas and Discussion that a beginner simply would not understand.
It is much better to have one Category with lots of threads, rather than jumble all the new comments into one or two Tips for Beginners threads, as is the case at present.

Also, it would get all the 'Noobie' stuff out of the hair of the advanced players.

If the Moderators removed threads from this category that really do not say much, eventually this could become an excellent tutorial site!!


Everybody is a noob and nobody is a noob. That's an impossible line to draw. I know plenty about the game, but it's a bad day when I don't learn something more, here in our forum.

I'd suggest that our Wiki, at https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Main_Page covers the ground that would be addressed in a Newbies Category. Consequently, that leaves the forums free to pursue the less obvious aspects of the game, particularly the game as it's experienced by folks who have been playing for a while.