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    Your Elvenar Team

A task to make 135k coin in 10 minutes or less


This post specifically applies to players at the game stage with the following four declinable quests:

Gain 4000 basic goods
Gain 4000 crafted goods
Gain 4000 magical goods
Gain 4000 goods

The following suggestion works, and may be improved upon by other players. There may be easier ways, but this is the one I know right now.

First, you have to have a trading partner, and at least 4000 of each of yours and your partner's boosted goods. Make note of your partner's boosted goods.

Second, each player posts four trades, following the below matrix:

Offer Demand
Trade 1 Partner's T1 Your T2
Trade 2 Partner's T2 Partner's T3
Trade 3 Partner's T3 Partner's T2
Trade 4 Your T2 Partner's T1

Important: All amounts are for 4000.

Third, each play cycles through their declinable quests, accepting the trade that matches the goods quest (the four listed above). You won't accept the trades in the order listed above - but rather in the order they appear in your quest cycle.

At the end of one round:
each player should see the little red 4 on their notifications - indicating that their partner accepted all 4 trades
each player will have completed all four quests for 135k coin and some supplies
each play will have precisely the same goods inventory at beginning and end

Summary: with a little planning, place four trades, accept four trades, get 135k coin. A nice legal task that helps you to develop a flourishing city economy, so you can build, scout and fight. Since Inno won't lay out tasks for us to do, we can develop our own!

Notes: this is a little more complicated than earlier versions of flipping...but if you're in a pinch (needing coin for an upgrade or scout), it may be worthwhile. The description is harder than the actual flipping!! To post without error, jot down the trades and it'll go pretty quickly. When accepting, it's easy to see which trades to accept - when you get to the quest for "Gain 4000 crafted goods", just find the crafted goods offered by your partner and accept.

Unlike some versions of flipping, BOTH partners post trades, and both partners accept trades. Also, it's not necessary to go at the same pace - just watch for the red 4 and you'll know when you're both finished with a round. Given the right circumstances, you can speed things up by posting 8 trades (2 of each) and making the rounds twice. Before trying this: 1) make sure no one else is going to accidentally accept the trades 2) be certain you have sufficient goods.

If each of you reads the matrix, you'll each be posting different trades. This is correct and will result in the desired results!

if you have questions, best to message me in-game. I'm only once a week.