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A way to get players to play more and reward with diamonds

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1178
  • Start date


Here is a nasty idea, have one or more province's somewhere random for each player that gives diamonds instead of relics. The hunt for that province would drive folks nuts.


The issue is, diamonds are a premium. The company supports itself through diamond sales.

Inno uses quests in Forge of Empires to occasionally reward small amounts of diamonds and I think it works beautifully there.


Other games support themselves like this too but still give out the good money so dont use the "they need to pay the bills" excuse.


Which is why I mentioned FoE. I think the same random giveaway-type questing would work well here.


I'd argue that a few opportunities to win diamonds, particularly if you used them to buy a third builder, would create MORE opportunities for folks to buy diamonds.

We have yet to see any seasonal events, and that's typically the "one time" source of various goodies, but we'll get there.


I was hungry for some Haunted Houses and Pumpkins... Maybe we'll have a Christmas/Winter event. Elven Toy Workshop!