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Add tournament info so new players know about them

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
While I love the fellowship-based tournaments, in speaking with numerous unguilded players this the past year, I've encountered a startling number of them who simply didn't know about the tournaments. I had always assumed there'd be a way for them to know by clicking on a fellowship icon or seeing the tent icon on the world map, but after looking into it further, that doesn't appear to be the case.

Here are two areas where new players can see info about joining a fellowship. Note that tournaments and Fellowship Adventures are not listed:



Looking at the Rankings page, there is a startling absence of information there. The Tournaments and Adventure tabs do NOT appear if a player is not in a fellowship. I wish I had taken a screenshot of the Rankings page when I was unguilded for comparison, so if anyone can provide that, please post it.


Also, the Tournament tent icon on the world map is inexplicably absent for players who are not in a fellowship.

Since new and solo players do not know about the tournaments, this hinders their growth potential by denying them access to relics, runes, KP and spells. And with events frequently asking players to "Solve XX encounters" and "Gain XX relics," these players must do extra world map encounters for each event, causing them to expand beyond their means. This is a serious problem for player retention.


- Add a short "Tournaments and Fellowship-specific events" to the list of Fellowship benefits
- Add the Tournaments and Adventure tabs to the Rankings page. (Perhaps in lieu of the actual roster it might display "You must be in a fellowship to view the Tournaments roster.")
- Show the tournament tent icon on the world map at all times for all players regardless of fellowship status.
- Clicking on the tent icon while unguilded should bring up a help page detailing all the benefits of the tournament and how to access them.
- At the start of every event, the opening pop-up message should include a reminder that joining a fellowship will make participating in events much easier by gaining access to relics, spells, KP and additional trading partners.