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Advanced Scout...activated, not working


I'm probably missing something right under my nose, but my Advanced Scout and Advanced Plank researches aren't making any difference in the costs or production. They're researched and activated, so what now? Is there something else I need to do to release lower prices for scouts, and higher production for planks? I have to sit here at this level and come up with over 100 knowledge points for the marble and steel and workshop...so will it be for nothing?

Thanks for any help - I don't want to be discouraged.


Hello bobbipiazza, you may have to go to battle, or negotiate, and gain more planks from encounters with other provinces. That may satisfy the increase you are looking for from the planks, remember to do the battles in the provinces that show the planks on them. As far as the reduced scouting, I personally did not get that much of a reduction, but it was a reduction. The farther away you get from your village the higher the scouting, that may be a reason you are not noticing the reduction.


"Advanced Scouts" should have reduced your scouting cost as soon as you activated it. A browser refresh may be in order if this is not the case.

"Advanced [Commodity]" just allows you to build higher level upgrades for the associated commodity's structure. Without the tech, you are capped at level 4 buildings, so you won't see the benefit of having it until you have actually completed that level 5 Planks Manufactury upgrade.

The tech that lets you receive a boost from relics is the "[Commodity] Production Boost" tech; you will get a production boost from having relics ONLY for the commodity in each tier that has that tech available (see the Relics tab in your Main Hall interface).

If you can fight and negotiate your way around the map, each encounter gets you another knowledge point. It's the fastest way to gain them, early to mid-game.

Be patient, have fun, and good luck!