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Allow buildings to finish upgrading


While a player is offline, their buildings that are upgrading never complete until they log back in. Now for an active player this is no big deal as we log in quite often. But the real problem is all the dead cities we have to live with for months before they get replaced. A lot of those dead cities are stuck in a Main Hall upgrade and there is no other neighborly help to provide. This costs us thousands of gold coins that we would otherwise get had there been an active player.

Since the purging of dead cities takes so long to happen and when it does they usually get replaced with players who quit the game as well. So it turns into a monthly cycle of dead cities in the middle of upgrades being replaced by new players who don't last for more than a day, but decide to start a Main Hall upgrade before logging off forever..

Cities run just fine while a player is offline, i.e. coin/supply/goods production so there is no reason why a building upgrade can only be completed when a player logs back in.


+1 to this idea.

Even active players will have real life schedules to complete, so there may be times when they are offline when an upgrade completes. Receiving the benefit of an upgrade is delayed until we log back in. If our residences, workshops, manufactories can keep producing until their respective cap is reached, I don't see why an upgrade can't complete while offline.


I totally agree. remove the activate feature. when the time is up.. let the building complete I realize there are some in the tree that require supplies, coins, and or hammers. but maybe have this up front and then they will just complete when the time is up. that would help so many as I have 5 with MH in progress. so far. and these are all new2 players just moved in to my arid desert smiles. New players don't stay very long for the most part. so make people pay upfront for what they do and voila.... time is up.. building is done and it's clickable! woot woot!


Well-Known Member
When I think about it, when I found this game I reported it to my long time facebook gaming friends and how I described the game, "it is so slow to start." Seriously, by design they send new players away...

So it turns into a monthly cycle of dead cities in the middle of upgrades being replaced by new players who don't last for more than a day, but decide to start a Main Hall upgrade before logging off forever..