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    Your Elvenar Team

Ancient Wonder advice


I'd like to develop a thread giving some recommendations for players as they complete the Research Ancient Wonders and move forward through the game. We might consider turning it into a "Strategic Guide" and making it available to new players?

In developing our thought about Wonders, can we agree on some premises? One is that the Wonders, in early stages, compete for KP and grid space while providing little benefit. Two, that the strongest overall game generally comes from having lots of manufacturing power. (and, the better a fighter you are, the more this is true). Thoughts on this welcome, please!

So, new players will have the temptation of Wonders available at Section 5. This is the section for all the crucial Superior manufacturing upgrades. I fail to see any advantages for players to spend resources on Wonders during this stage V, and would like to hear others' thoughts on the matter. It would seem to me that pressing hard into developing one's economy by building manufacturies should be the sole focus during this game phase. Any resources - KP or goods - that trickle away into Wonders might tend to make the game feel stalled, and also distract a player from developmental essentials. During 5, I really hate to think of a player devoting grid space to a Wonder rather than a highly productive L15 manufactory! Same holds true for spending goods on a Wonder when upgrading manufactories is much more important.

During the first half of Dwarven, Section VI, there's a pressing need to level up all residences and manufactories. The goods requirements are intense. Unless a player has extra KP, the Wonders don't offer any real advantage here, more a temptation to use scarce goods where there's no immediate return on the expense.

During the second half of Dwarven, Section VI, the Wonders begin to be an asset. The granite and copper requirements are so large that KP no longer becomes the driver for advancement - we can only progress at the speed of our mines. This is causing players to feel pressure to devote too much space to the mines. (from the standpoint that it's a bit boring). So, a great time to focus on putting KP into Wonders is while we're waiting on granite/copper. Just cut back 3-4 mines and place a Wonder. Or not...

....because my personal favorite strategy (as of now) is building the Wonders in a reverse order. I've completed the Section VI and built ONLY the Mountain, which is increasing my goods production. This is important for my game, because I don't yet have any stockpile of goods. The small AW bonus, added to the L15-19 goods, has a very powerful result. Think about how much KP you can purchase with 10k boosted T1 goods every 3 hours? I'd love to hear others' experience - how your game is benefitting from one of the other Wonders.

And about KP....we might want to think strongly about advising players to hold off purchasing KP until they arrive at the Wonders. Purchasing KP prior to this is only an advantage in that in speeds the game...whereas, if one can cheaply purchase KP at the Wonders, then one gains concrete advantage for the purchase.
A player could : not purchase KP, research Wonders after IV, collect rune shards through VI, build a Wonder during late VI and lastly upgrade it extensively with KP purchased quite cheaply via boosted goods (which they then have an abundance of).

Edit added per Aydenn below: revise this to "....
hold off purchasing KP with boosted goods until..." If needed for expansions and steady progress, continue to purchase KP with coin.

I really wish I weren't the bird dog in this particular scenario - would have liked to be able to follow my own advice. But if a player can resist using their boosted goods KP, and also resist building a Wonder...then hey!presto!! magic! Apt analogies are: dieting to fit in one's wedding dress and then bam! weeks of fundamentals practice and then, win the big one with the perfect score! LordAmicus put up all four of his Wonders in an evening, and it was like Aladdin's lamp.
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And about KP....we might want to think strongly about advising players to hold off purchasing KP until they arrive at the Wonders. Purchasing KP prior to this is only an advantage in that in speeds the game...whereas, if one can cheaply purchase KP at the Wonders, then one gains concrete advantage for the purchase.
A player could : not purchase KP, research Wonders after IV, collect rune shards through VI, build a Wonder during late VI and lastly upgrade it extensively with KP purchased quite cheaply via boosted goods (which they then have an abundance of).
I'm curious about this, since I'm only in Stage III. I don't have any in-game access to how the Wonders work. Is there any fundamental difference to how you purchase KP once you have one?

Remember that sometimes research can be a bottleneck. Lacking Superior Residences was a thorn in my side and now I'm badly in need of Superior Workshops. It used to be that you'd go out and fight/negotiate for KP if you were stuck. Now each province you complete before late IV is a lost Rune Shard. That means it may be wiser to buy KP earlier in the game if you're bottlenecked and waiting for them. Once you've reached late IV, you probably want to hold off buying KP and conquer provinces for them.


One is that the Wonders, in early stages, compete for KP and grid space while providing little benefit.
If you think ahead, for a year or so, we'll have a lot more chapters, and several more Ancient Wonders. It won't be possible, just a few months from now, to have a balanced, self-sustaining city UNLESS you've been developing your Ancient Wonders right along with everything else.

Ancient Wonders certainly work BEST when your tech tree is stuck because you're waiting for more Coins/Supplies/Goods but, on average, you should routinely devote 25% of your KP allowance to the development of your Ancient Wonders.


This is the method I will have to follow due to having no other choice, but your reasoning sounds solid, bobbipiazza. For now, I am pushing any thoughts of Wonders to the edge of my mind (Oh, I am crippled by the new version arriving at my current state of advancement, and just because I am one of the "few", it still is painful), and focusing on upgrading my buildings to their higher level.


I'm curious about this, since I'm only in Stage III. I don't have any in-game access to how the Wonders work. Is there any fundamental difference to how you purchase KP once you have one?

Remember that sometimes research can be a bottleneck. Lacking Superior Residences was a thorn in my side and now I'm badly in need of Superior Workshops. It used to be that you'd go out and fight/negotiate for KP if you were stuck. Now each province you complete before late IV is a lost Rune Shard. That means it may be wiser to buy KP earlier in the game if you're bottlenecked and waiting for them. Once you've reached late IV, you probably want to hold off buying KP and conquer provinces for them.

Purchasing KP works the same now for everyone, I think. Reconsidering what you're saying, perhaps you could continue to purchase KP with coins when important for forward progress, but try to avoid the [new] purchase methodology of using boosted goods for KP. The wonders upgrades are KP HUGE - 175, 250, 310, etc.

As for the Rune Shards and conquering provinces...you - and most others - will be facing a different scenario when you reach the point where you want to develop your wonders - different, I mean, than the players who are currently building Wonders.

1) You have all of Section V to gain Rune Shards via province expansion. You can guess how many that will be - chat with fellowship friends and find out how many provinces they've conquered at various stages. You can compare, and make an educated guess as to how many provinces you can collect by naturally progressing through Sections V and VI. For example, by the time I had finished VI, my count was 174 provinces. (I don't fight well, most of my fellowship members are higher). By all means, don't forfeit land expansions in favor of eventually having shards!! I strongly feel that land expansions outweigh Wonders growth - period. Build a strong game with plenty of manufacturing and military capacity.

2) Players who are currently building Wonders have a small support / share group. Since one of the best ways to get Rune Shards is by contributing to other players' Wonders, our access to this feature is limited. By the time you reach late VI and want to build your Wonder, you will have many more other players doing the same. Rune Shards will come more easily!

Enjoy your game, Ayden! Thanks for your input.


I am letting my fellowship down. This bothers me more than anything.


So they asked you for support, and all you're doing is holding them up? :p


No, I support them as well as I am able, but I can't do so regarding Wonders. Wait, no, I will be able to pump KPs into their Wonders, so it'll just harm my own advancement. Yay!


We'll BOTH be awarded Rune Shards and about a 10% profit on our investments.

I don't understand. Only two people get runes out of all the people that help and it would be very hard to upgrade if you only have 2 people helping, so most people who help will not get a rune. As far a return on investment? I don't know where you get that. I finally unlocked Elven Wonders in beta, I have extra KP that I am giving away because I am stuck in the tech tree waiting for a few million granite and copper, so I gave away my KP (knowledge points) to a fellow member. I gave them 30 KP and got back 5. Unless you are my stock broker, you wouldn't call spending 30 to gain 5 a profit. Plus, I didn't get a rune.

I agree with Bobbi's analysis. I wouldn't be giving away the KP for the Ancient Wonders unless I had completed everything in the tech tree I could and I was stuck just letting the KP go to waste.
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We do not yet have enough information to be definitive about the AW awards, but the pattern seems to match what we've always seen in FoE.
  • If you contribute to your OWN Ancient Wonder you don't get any awards, just the benefit of the leveled AW
  • If you SWAP contributions, then you get those same AW benefits, PLUS the award packages.
  • As the number of points goes up for each level, the award pool likewise increases, and the awards are allocated by award slot, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, rounded UP to modulo 5 in the case of KP award packages, and distributed evenly for Rune Shards, one per level.
  • The person in 5th place will seldom get any KPs
  • The person in 5th place will always get at least 1 Rune Shard once the AW has reached level 5.
At the lowest levels the AW benefits are pretty modest, as compared to what you could get from research and new buildings, BUT when you max out your tech tree then suddenly there's nothing ELSE to do with your daily KP allowance, and investing in AWs will make all kinds of sense.

If we look out a year from now, when the end of Chapter IV and therefore the Ancient Wonders becomes available early in the mid-game, then you'll be well advised to allocate a portion of your KPs to the development of your AWs, if only as a GOOD way of getting Rune Shard BEFORE you need them, when your tech tree is stuck anyway, and certainly it's a MUCH better way than chasing precious sectors just to get the Rune Shards.

So, based on relevant experience from managing a large Forge Point Club in FoE, the 10% of the folks who are maxed out will POUR points into the various targeted AWs, and when a new Chapter is released they'll then drop back to being "normal" for a couple of months until they're maxed out again.
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