Personal Conductor
@hoopity These were the only not over scouted posts i could find.
chapter 12, 22 hours
chapter 19, 101 hours
Chapter 20, 80 hours
chapter 21, 98 hours.
But @Henroo also pointed out:
In my Arendyll city, I currently have 659 provinces scouted. <edit>Without Scout's Tavern, my scout time would be 98 hours (4 days, 2 hours)
I was not overscouted at the end of chapter 19 (I had just enough completed provinces to open chapter 20, with only three remaining incomplete). My last scout time was about 4 days, 5 hours. With the advanced scouts from chapter 20, my scout time is now about 3 days, 8 hours. Sorry, I don't remember exactly, but that was pretty close.<edit 603 provinces scouted>
based off these three posts that I dug out of the last chat about Enars you would getI'm playing a ch12 city with 304 provinces completed and a L21 Enar's is giving me 91,200 mana per scout. My scout time is 21h20m.
chapter 12, 22 hours
chapter 19, 101 hours
Chapter 20, 80 hours
chapter 21, 98 hours.
But @Henroo also pointed out:
So steady increase in scout times in chapter 12-15 and a much sharper increase in chapters 16-19.And it was actually worse in chapter 19. The reason for this is that chapter 20 opens up with an Advanced Scouts tech. This was the first Advanced Scouts tech offered since the start of chapter 15. This stretch of 4 chapters with no Advanced Scouts techs is when scout times really get out of hand. It has been a long time, but I seem to remember my scout times were well over 100 hours in ch 19 before I got the Advanced Scouts tech at the start of ch 20 and received the -25% reduction it gave. Unfortunately chapter 21 does not have an Advanced Scouts either, so my scout times will just continue to grow while I do that chapter.
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