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Annimatiions, and advanced account settings


Well-Known Member
Proposal :
Due to Lag issues, there is a setting to turn to "Low" the graphics/annimations.
This does NOT extend to collection annimations.... When a player logs on to
100 or more of these, even if set to LOW, the game lags out or causes browser
issues/crashes untill those can be collected.... catch 22 there....

Therefore in settings either add a 2nd choice for those annimations ( to turn off )
or include collection annimations in what the game prevents when turning to LOW.
a Icon ( static ) can still appear above the bldg, but it would NOT be annimated.

I do not see any cons here, other than the tweak to the code ( coding time )


Oh Wise One
I think this would be helpful.

One con is a possible uptick in trouble tickets as, lacking visual feedback, people may be slightly more likely to mistakenly think they got shorted on a collection. This is where a HUD screen of some kind (that shows us our recent log entries) would be a benefit.


Well-Known Member
just it being static instead of annimated... there's still an icon there... untill u take it.
if its not there, there is no collection.... if it goes away ( flys up ) you just took it....
nothing else would chg, even the collection bubbles..... those only happen 1 @ a time
but when you have 100 things to collect, and Im a small player it either lags the browser
out or crashes it entirely.... even 20 bldgs going to collect as I'm writing a msg....
they appear and are annimated in background, and with no msg cue ( draft saving ) like
the forum does.... browser reconns/reloads... and msg is gone.....


Oh Wise One
I don't think it's a stopper. I still think it's a good idea. But I think it's worth mentioning, because it's a possible (not likely, but possible) downside. The developers can decide if they think it's a big deal or not, or if they need to do something else to mitigate the possibility. You're not required to agree, nor to include it in the idea.


Well-Known Member
The game had to reload 5 times in 60 minutes earlier..... because the annimations
overloaded the browser... every single time, a bunch of early collects had appeared in background...
you're right Ash, the devs can ignore it...... ( and many potential new customers with cheap tablets , too... )

the game was 110% unplayable unless I turn off the bldg annimations and use flash, but if my 10 min residences
cause the reload every 10 min... or I cant log on to clear them to clear the lag then its worth trying
to get fixed.... if it happens to me, it must happen for others... very frustrating.


Oh Wise One
you're right Ash, the devs can ignore it...... ( and many potential new customers with cheap tablets , too... )
I think you've moved on to presuming everything I say is opposed to you. I didn't suggest the devs could ignore your idea, I suggested the devs could ignore the possibility of extra trouble tickets (since it's slight).


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I call them "floaters" and since I collect a huge bunch of things in my moonstone library farm (4 libraries and about 100 of everything else) I usually have to wait for them go get out of the way to make some collections. It's annoying. Ditto for many other places.

So a toggle to turn them on and off would be nice. AND, perhaps, incorporated in a "heads up" display (discussed elsewhere) one could have a list of the last X number of things collected and from where to deal with the "need to know I got that" problem.



Well-Known Member
Agree, my city is too big as is my moonstone footprint. I'm on a 2017 vintage but beefy HP laptop.


Active Member
My city is small, but I find the bouncing animations distracting and annoying . In low setting, all the animations turn off except for the coins over my residences. I would like to be able to all animations off in exchange for a simple static beacon. I can't think of ANY downside to that apart from coding time.