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    Your Elvenar Team

"Another look at Culture and Daily Visits - from Advanced Player perspective"


Platinum Leaf -FB
I took a screenshot just now:
My good friends have polished 8 of my 9 Temples of Holy Fire and 2 of my Harvest Festival during the last 11 hours (I have 3 hour culture boost from Lighthouse).

That's 22 K additional culture from them.
I have almost 16 K surplus culture of my own.
Yet I am still more than 6 K short of going up from 150% Culture to 160%!!
(Because the bigger your city grows, the more surplus Culture you need to get Culture Boost.

So - from an Advanced Player perspective (I have score 88 K) - there is no way that I can ever get 160% culture again without ripping out stuff that I really need to build 4 more Temples.

Moral of the story:
As you advance, Culture becomes less and less important.

Daily Visits are an extremely important part of a growing fellowship - essential to Medium and Lower level players. When players do not visit most days, other players grow restless and resentful, and this disrupts the unity of the Team.
But Visits are not the be-all-and-end-all; there are other player attributes that make a good fellowship too!

i. High-level Trading is essential - one of the principal reasons people get bored and stop playing is because they have to wait ages to get the Goods they need to advance. In our Fellowship, we aim to have a waiting period to fill all reasonable trades of less than 3 hours.
Usually trades are filled in mere minutes.

ii. Advice and Help via Chat and Messages. This is essential, to keep your spirits up when your game grows boring or frustrating.

iii. Cameraderie: A Fellowship works best when everyone works as a team. Leaders should work constantly to encourage this - congratulating players on significant Score and Rank advances, noticing and commenting on good City re-builds etc.
The Knowledge Point Swap Club is another example of team building: Helping and receiving help every few hours, and prizes, helps to alleviate boredom!

This is Tip #64 from Facebook group Elvenar Platinum Leaf.
