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    Your Elvenar Team



I am wondering what a good balance in number of armories would be. At the beginning of the game, a quest tells you to build 4 armories, so 4 is what I have. However, I see several advanced players who have several...7, 8 or more. I have my 4, but they're only at level 12. I'm thinking I could sell 2, and with the added population upgrade the other two to level 17...and possibly have similar training times. Does this sound like a good idea, or is there a method behind having so many armories that I'm missing? (I check on the game frequently...so as long as training is lasting 5-6 hours, I'm happy.)


  • Armories determine how may troops you can train concurrently.
  • Barracks levels determine how quickly you can train troops, and how many squads you can schedule at once.
The new gating requirements for the Advanced Scouting Technologies means that you'll be chewing up more troops because you won't be able to go back and roll through the provinces with superior forces.

Also, there's some sort of Provincial Tournament just over the horizon, and that will probably eat up some troops as well.

Trained troops automatically learn new skills, so train them while they're still cheap.


hmmm...I understand the function of armories and barracks. My confusion is why many people desire so many armories. I have 4 right now, and I find that time in training is more than functional. My thought is, if I sell two armories, I will lose 52 units that can be held in the barracks. But if I upgrade the other two to their highest level, I will gain 44 units that can be held, so in the end there's not much of a net difference. I will gain space for added population, and lose little in terms of training. I think I'm going to do it...I was just posting here to see if there is something I have not yet taken into account. The one element yet TBD is how much faster troops will train with the level 19 Fairy Barracks...if it is super fast, I may wish I had my 4 armories. It will be jumping from 500% to 875%...it'll be faster...for sure.

Already know about the upcoming tournament and how the supplies increase as you upgrade troops. Have been stocking up on the unit to be updated next since the first swordsmen upgrade. It is a good strategy. Currently have about 50,000 troops awaiting tournament appointments. :) Also, excited to see the two new military units that will be released in the Fairy Level.


The ideal is to keep your barracks training 24/7. If you are able to log on many times a day and order new troops before the barracks is finished training then you don't need many armories but for a player that only logs on once or twice a day it is different.


I will lose 52 units that can be held in the barracks.
  • This is not the case. If you have JUST a Barracks you can "inventory" an unlimited number of troops.
  • Armories allow you to TRAIN more troops at the same time. So if you're burning through troops pretty fast, more armories will allow you to recover your losses.
The new gates on the Advanced Scouting technology means that we'll have to fight closer to the bleeding edge, so we'll be losing and replacing more troops, hence most folks will want to add and/or upgrade their Armories.


Fawnup, we use armories in order to get score from Culture. A L17 Armory derives most of its points from culture, and requires comparatively little population.

Once a city gets large, there's little advantage to leaving excess culture since it's tough to make 20k excess culture to get to the 125% bonus point. Instead of leaving the culture laying, we build armories.


I'm with Bobbi. The only reason to have more armories is for score. I have 3 level 17 armories. All I train these days are granite golems and treants. They both take a long time to train. With the 3 armories I have it takes over 13 hours for the golems. I can't remember how long it takes the treants, but it is at least 9 hours. So that is plenty for me. I am usually here in that amount of time. I guess it just depends if you want enough armories to have all your troops training for days at a time before you reset them, or if you want to train thousands and thousands of the lowest level troops or what.

My rule of thumb has been to have enough armories so that all my troops are trained for the amount of time I am away from the game.

Unless you are going for more score. Then you need more armories. But now that the fairies are coming there will be plenty of other things that will give you score too. :)