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Assistance for upgrading building to level 4


Hey everyone!

I'm brand new to this game and have been fine until now. I need to upgrade a building to level 4. The residence that I've circled in red is currently level 3 and I have everything I need to upgrade but everytime I click the upgrade tab I get a research button. I've moved the building backwards & sideways to change the amount of space around it and still get the research tab when I try to upgrade.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!



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If you open the Research Tree you have to spend Knowledge Points to unlock the next levels of your residence. The upgrade to 4 is in Chapter 1.



Hi Alex. Even if you have all you need to upgrade a residence, you can't do so until you have completed the appropriate tab in the research tree. In chapter one you will see a research tree item called Advanced Residences. You have to clear that. Click on the book icon at the bottom of the page and that takes you to the research tree.


I'm having the same problem. It won't let me do the research, tho. It's greyed out. I've cleared the tabs leading to it (I have a Trader). I can't even bank KP towards it. And I have the supplies for it. What am I missing? Do you have to have both a Trader and an Armory?


ladysin....hold your mouse over the advanced residences and you will see two green lines from the tech tree leading backwards to the armory and the trader. That means that before you can even open the advanced residences to try to do them, you must do all those other tasks. It can be confusing at first. I used to think I needed to look forward to see where to go next, but it helps more to hover over the thing you want to do and then look backwards and see what needs to be done.

Does that make sense? It is a little hard to explain.


AHA! That's a big help. I've been following the arrows forward, but not backwards like you're saying. OK, looks like I need to build an armory.

Muchas Gracias!!


Yeah, both. If you mouseover a box in the tech tree you'll get
  • Green back arrows (sufficient)
  • Green forward arrows (necessary)
The other odd quirks that you might as well not trip over, are that
  • Armories increase the SIZE of the training companies (more weapons I guess)
  • At level 20 you'll have to have an Armory to spawn Orcs
  • Barracks upgrades increase the SPEED of the training, and how many training companies can be queued up
  • Troops DO NOT have to be retrained when you upgrade their class. They're instantly more capable.
  • Training "only" requires Supplies. You can save boocoo supplies by training early.
  • Scouting "only" requires Coins. The more distant the sector the higher the scouting costs and time. You can pretty much scout in any order without effecting your total costs.
Initiative is a key Battle Parameter, and the leftmost units in the training window (by coincidence and foresight) will get the first moves during a battle

Squad Size is another important box on the research tree. It controls how may shots a squad gets per battle turn.
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Absolutely! I was completely confused by that myself when I started. I can't tell you how many times I was sure the game was broken! lol This game was brand new to me for all these types of games. I had never played anything like it. It is the little things that had me baffled. You can't ask me a question that I haven't been lost about myself!!


Yeah, both. If you mouseover a box in the tech tree you'll get
  • Green back arrows (sufficient)
  • Green forward arrows (necessary)
The other odd quirks that you might as well not trip over, are that
  • Armories increase the SIZE of the training companies (more weapons I guess)
  • At level 20 you'll have to have an Armory to spawn Orcs
  • Barracks upgrades increase the SPEED of the training, and how many training companies can be queued up
  • Troops DO NOT have to be retrained when you upgrade their class. They're instantly more capable.
  • Training "only" requires Supplies. You can save boocoo supplies by training early.
  • Scouting "only" requires Coins. The more distant the sector the higher the scouting costs and time. You can pretty much scout in any order without effecting your total costs.
Initiative is a key Battle Parameter, and the leftmost units in the training window (by coincidence and foresight) will get the first moves during a battle

Squad Size is another important box on the research tree. It controls how may shots a squad gets per battle turn.

I have avoided building the armory stuff and having battles as much as possible so far, because I'm just not into them. I test drove fighting my way through encounters where I didn't want to give up the resources to get through them, and got my butt handed to me. So when it comes to the battle aspect of this game, I groan and do the minimum necessary to get where I want to go. LOL
I'm gonna copy and paste your advice to my notes, so I can keep coming back to it for this aspect of the game. Thank you for taking the time to type all of that out for me.


I'm not much for the blow-by-blow aspects of battling, but if you use Auto-Fight and treat it as a logistics puzzle, it's marvelous.
"Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics."
- Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC (Commandant of the Marine Corps) noted in 1980


Auto Fight is my friend for sure, but my troops suck. LOL. Clearly, I need scarier drill sergeants.


I'm not much for the blow-by-blow aspects of battling, but if you use Auto-Fight and treat it as a logistics puzzle, it's marvelous.

This is actually horrible advice, unless you want to lose more troops than necessary. The autofighter is very bad at fighting. I have lost all of my troops hitting the auto fight button and then when I did it manually I didn't lose any. Now this won't be true for all fights, but I have never seen the AI lose fewer troops than I can manually. I know it is hard and confusing as can be, but you really want to learn how to fight now. It used to be more of a choice and you could get by negotiating provinces only, but the game has changed. Now you must fight.

So learn! It is a lot of fun when you do! I promise.

Try this thread:



At the lower levels, a VERY reliable combination is
  • If the opponent has 3 or fewer Melee, click 1 Short Ranged, 2 Light Melee, 2 Short Ranged
  • If the opponent has 4 or more Melee, click 1 Light Melee, 2 Short Ranged, 2 Light Melee
In either case your Light Melee will move first and shield your Sort Ranged. The only question is if you'll need two or three Light Melee Squads to absorb most of the damage, while your Short Ranged Squads dish out most of the damage.
The autofighter is very bad at fighting.
As I've indicated elsewhere, it helps to have an in depth understanding of the combat model both so that you can understand the defensive moves that the combat engine will make in response to your manual moves and, more interestingly, the offensive moves that it will make as a consequence of how you set up your own forces.


You have to think several moves ahead, but I've had no problems whatever with Auto-Fighting my way through all of the Advanced Scouting chests. I've never lost a battle unless I was intentionally experimenting to see if Archers, for examples, can dodge well enough to keep out of the reach of the Treants. They usually can, but it depends on the terrain.

Negotiating/Catering is deadly boring, but the other consideration is that a few Armories require a LESS space than extra Manufacturing buildings for bribery, so you'll have plenty of space available for everything else.
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Negotiating/Catering is deadly boring, but the other consideration is that a few Armories require a LESS space than extra Manufacturing buildings for bribery, so you'll have plenty of space available for everything else.

Again, horrible advice. You need to produce goods to do everything in this game. Having more armories doesn't make you produce troops faster. The only thing it does is give you a bigger queue of troops lined up to be trained.

For example....let's say you have upgraded your barracks to the point where you produce 1 sword in 5 minutes. If you have more armories you can produce more swords before you need to reset them, but they still take 5 minutes each to produce. So, you can produce 5 swords in 25 minutes or with more armories you can produce 10 swords in 50 minutes. See what I mean? Nothing is faster. No more swords get made. The armory just takes up a lot of culture and population you could have used to make goods.

I only had one for the longest time on here.

But, if you use that space and that population and culture you can make more goods. Then you can use those goods to negotiate a province if you want, but for sure you need them to get through the tech tree.


OK, trying to follow along here.

Right now I have 1 barracks and 1 armory, both upgraded a couple of levels.
I have 1 each of marble and steel manufactories, upgraded a couple of levels, and 2 plank manufactories, also upgraded a couple of levels.

I train absolutely constantly. When negotiating is too spendy for my taste, I go the battle route. I can take in 5 groups. I do 2 archers and 3 swords, and put it on autofight. Typically, the swords lead the way, both out front and first to fight. The archers hang back and go last. I win most battles now, unless I'm up against really ugly odds. I probably should learn how to do the battles myself, and that may come in time.

I'm fighting space issues, which I suspect is going to get worse soon. Do I build more manufactories, upgrading the barracks and armory? Or build more barracks and armories, upgrading the manufactories? Or do I just upgrade the crap outta both and leave room for more cultural stuff?

Seriously tired of trees and lightposts, btw. Are there more options coming soon, or am I stuck with trees and lightposts? I wish we could upgrade those to save space. That'd be wonderbar.
Missanthropy merged stacked posts
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Having more armories doesn't make you produce troops faster. The only thing it does is give you a bigger queue of troops lined up to be trained.
That's simply not correct.
  • Upgrading the Barracks speeds up whatever you're doing, and allows you to queue up more training sessions.
  • Upgrading your Armories, and adding more of them, increases the number of troops that you can train AT ONCE.
    It's useful to think of Armories as how many weapons are available.
  • The more Armories you have, the more additional trained troops you'll have at the end of the day.
The purpose of this building is to increase the size of the Training Slots in the Barracks. The more Armories you have the more Units you will be able to train simultaneously, in the Training Slots.
- See https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Armory
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only build your boosted goods & trade for the others..it's a waiste of resources & too slow to bother with your nonboosted goods ;) there will be more cultural items when you've unlocked their research in the tree :)

it's already chosen for you..you can see your 3 boosts in the tech tree, 1 for each tier of goods...browse through your tech & you'll see them..you produce many more of your boosted goods & you can trade for the others ;0)
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only build your boosted goods & trade for the others..it's a waiste of resources & too slow to bother with your nonboosted goods ;) there will be more cultural items when you've unlocked their research in the tree :)
boosted goods? what are those? I want planks and marble to be boosted. The steel manufactory isn't nearly as cool as the rock tossing dude or the swishing trees.