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    Your Elvenar Team

Assistance for upgrading building to level 4


Click on your MH and go to the second tab (relics). It will show your three production boosts at the bottom.


Are there more options coming soon
If you scroll through the Build Menus, all of the buildings of that type are actually listed, even though they are greyed out.
I wish we could upgrade those to save space
Be careful what you wish for. If they were upgradeable, they'd have to be connected to roadway.
it's a waiste of resources & too slow to bother with your nonboosted goods ;)
Have you noticed that the Magical Manufacturing spell will TEMPORARILY allow a non-boosted Manufacturing building to behave as though it were boosted?? That can be especially handy in the early stages of the game, before you've joined a Fellowship and/or discovered your Trading Partners.
or enable non boosted manufactories to produce on a magical level.
- See https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Spells#Type_of_Spells
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Grrr. Looks like I need to build another steel manufactory. :(


  • Upgrading your Armories, and adding more of them, increases the number of troops that you can train AT ONCE.
    It's useful to think of Armories as how many weapons are available.
  • The more Armories you have, the more additional trained troops you'll have at the end of the day.

You are completely wrong.

If you are there when your barracks have done training troops and you hit train again, you get exactly the same amount of troops trained. The only thing that is different is how many are in line to be trained. They do not train more at once. The training size increases, but not the training speed. I can either train 10 at once at 1 minute each and then hit train again and in 20 minutes I will get 20 trained or get more armories and be able to train 20 at once at 1 minute each. But at the end of 20 minutes, with either one or two armories I will get 20 trained. The only difference is that I will have to hit the button to train them again.

When you upgrade your armories, you will see that you can train more troops, but it also takes longer to train them. The amount of troops you train in a certain amount of time doesn't change. When you upgrade your barracks it does change. Then your troops are trained faster.

Lady...regarding the factories you are building...once you get a trader, and you should be there soon if not already, then you can trade goods with other people. One of those goods...either the planks or the steel or the marble is your "boosted" good. That means that you make more of that good than other people for the same price. It is your specialty good. The one you are excellent at making. You will want to produce only the good that is your specialty and trade that to others who have the other goods as their specialty.

For example....if you have planks boosted, you might make 10 an hour where I would only make 5 an hour for the same size factory. But I might have marble boosted and I make 10 an hour for the same cost that it takes you to produce only 5 of them. Therefore, we trade with each other. I trade 10 of my planks for 10 of your marble. We both get cheaper goods that way. (I made up those numbers to make the point).

You can tell your boosts by going to the world map and looking under the little white circle icon on the bottom center...it shows what your boosted goods are.

I don't have any factories in my city unless they are for boosted goods. I had to tear down every factory I had made that was for a non boosted good of mine.


It depends on activity level. If you're going to be around in another six hours, a couple of armories is perfectly fine. Armories don't shorten training time. They just increase the likelihood that your queue won't be empty at some point before you can sign in and queue more. It's also a cheap way to gain score. Click the $ icon and hover over a high lvl manufactory and armory. 1/3 of the population and a only a couple hundred fewer points.

Deleted User - 107391

The autofighter is very bad at fighting. I have lost all of my troops hitting the auto fight button and then when I did it manually I didn't lose any. Now this won't be true for all fights, but I have never seen the AI lose fewer troops than I can manually. I know it is hard and confusing as can be, but you really want to learn how to fight now./
I want to back up Bobbykitty on this.
Do not use autofight.
Do practice fighting. You'll need it more and more.
Not having an armory was a handicap. Keep up with the arms and armor type improvements.


Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not saying it isn't good to have an armory or two. My comments were in response to this comment which calls for 3 armories or more instead of having manufacturing buildings. You need to manufacture a lot of goods!

the other consideration is that a few Armories require a LESS space than extra Manufacturing buildings for bribery, so you'll have plenty of space available for everything else.


I always thought armories were a waste of space once you could schedule a good nights sleep, but then i started tournaments and went from 3 lvl 19 armories to add 3 more at lvl 17 armories, but since I have had second thoughts and have now decided to sell theses 3 new ones. The population and squares they eat up is huge and I am seeing no benefit other then I can line up 250 Blessed Paladin III for production in 5 x 4:28 hours or about 2 days. So what, I play more often then that. There is no time savings at all.

At lvl 4 a couple are good but max out at 3 in the long run unless you plan a long weekends away or plan to only play a few days a week.

BTW in Tournaments I negotiate the first 2, auto-fight the next 6 and after that go to manual fighting. It works for me and I was 10th overall when the scores were screwed up.
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I always thought armories were a waste of space once you could schedule a good nights sleep
If you're able to swing by every few hours, then you only need a few armories.

If you're running your buildings on a 9 hour cycle, then you'll need more armories to prevent the Drill Sergeants from taking a nap.


If you're running your buildings on a 9 hour cycle, then you'll need more armories to prevent the Drill Sergeants from taking a nap.

As architect of desires just said, when you get your armories to the place where they are letting you get a good night's sleep, then more armories are just superfluous. And in the beginning stages of the game, it takes so much of your resources to build all those armories that you sacrifice everything else. This game is about balance. But, Ladysin is a smart player. She will decide for herself how many armories she wants. Of course, she needs accurate information to make that decision.

Armories take a lot of culture and population. So in order to build one, you need to build houses to support it and you need more culture buildings. It is all a balancing act. Because space is at such a premium, I think the most efficient use of space is to build structures to the maximum you can rather than having tons of little buildings that do less.

More armories only put more more soldiers into the queue to line up and get trained. They don't make training faster. So that's why at some point...when you have enough armories to train soldiers for 8 hours or more, that is enough. After 8 hours you can hit train again. And you can hit train right before you go to bed. So you always have soldiers training.

Of course, you may not always want your soldiers training. (Though I do personally think it is a good idea). :)


Of course, you may not always want your soldiers training.
They seem to always be dying, so one does what one must. :rolleyes:

I tend to visit my minor cities twice a day, to return overlapping visits, so an "extra" Armory suits my playing style.