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    Your Elvenar Team

Better Fellowship Recruiting

I took over as Archmage for my Fellowship a little more than 6 months ago. I've managed to recruit a few new players who enjoy the game as well as playing with us and each other. What I haven't done is recruit people with the resources that 90% of us need to actually thrive as a Fellowship.

People are getting frustrated. They lack the resources necessary to succeed in Tournaments, Fellowship Adventures, and most importantly, growing and advancing their cities. And I'm getting frustrated because I can't sort through the 36446 people on my server to find the 4 currently active players best suited to create a balanced supply & demand of resources for my team members.

We - and the game as a whole - need one of two things. Either a way to change what your boosted resources are even if it means relocating your city and rebuilding your manufacturies from scratch, or a way to do refined searches on Player information to identify potential candidates for recruitment: boosted resources, tournament activity, player activity, fellowship status, etc.

Maybe the player I'm looking for has just started a city. Maybe there are 4 established players in a Fellowship who would like to merge with our Fellowship to become stronger.

A person from Elvenstats said that they could do most of this now, but that it would be too much of a burden on inno's servers to download 36466 records every time someone needed to refresh player information to do a search. But Inno already has this information.

I think that any suggestion that makes it possible for us to enjoy the game more without unbalancing the game in any way is a priority for Inno financially. Please consider developing and implementing a search function as soon as possible.