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Better way to get artifacts


New Member
I would like to suggest a new Culture building. The Museum Marketplace where you can trade artifacts for old event buildings you already have in order to complete other event buildings. For example, trade 2 Queens Fairy Retreat for 1 Festive May tree. The frequency of artifacts through the Spire and Crafting is too low and discouraging. I already have my Red Panda completed so there is no motivation to aggressively participate in the upcoming FA Other than to help my fellow members ( which I will do). As an alternative, increase the frequency and probability of older artifacts in the Spire and Crafting to encourage more play in these areas.


Active Member
I agree... i really dont understand why there is so much value attached to artifacts... Let me be more precise, why the DEVS attach so much value to them. As it is, no matter if you do spire all the way up every week, getting them is totally luck based and has almost nothing to do with your effort.
And back to the value of these things. To us, they can be either very valuable, and this is only if you've already ammassed a good amount fo them for the particular building and are looking to max it.
Or, in most cases, artifacts are actually totally worthless... well, worth 2000 fragments i suppose. Most evos are not even worth placing below level 8 and, personnally, i dont even bother below level 10. And then of course, you got your level 10 building, whats the point of gettng more artifacts if you dont have a 2nd base?
Lets just say for arguments sake you could win, guaranteed, one artifact each floor each week... I still wouldnt know what to do with them without another base building.... So then, maybe thats the answer... this would get more players to push for the 2nd base in events... maybe.
Right now, pushing to get the extra base is pointless unless you are willing to spend 100$'s to max it.. i mean come on. there is no in between. You either spend 100$'s or you just say... the hell with that, not worth it. I bet 99% of players pick the 2nd option. And we can prove it too... League standings in events show that 1% get gold, and only 5% get silver. And from doing all events to completion, i know for a fat that qualifying for silver only requires a little luck, not even a lot. Just hit the 150's and 200's in bonus currencies a few more times than usual and you'll qualify. So then this means only the gold players spend extra diamonds to go further... One percent.
What if devs realized they culd bring this % to 5 or maybe 10%? Oh look, more money! what an idea!


Well-Known Member
Ah, but now those 2000 spell fragments for disenchanting one helps get you either 8 CCs and 10 VV; or 1 CC and 40 VV. I've had both recipes come up in my MAs in three cities frequently since the update. So those three artifacts for the mermaid that you're not going to build because you're using your blueprints to make bear artifacts? If you're sure you're not going to build it, nuke them and get the boost towards opening the next Mystic Object so you can potentially get diamonds.

maybe thats the answer... this would get more players to push for the 2nd base in events... maybe.
And that would be a pro to Inno, @Glisandra. So when you list your pros/cons (if you reformat before calling for a vote), include the potential for more players to spend money during events.

But to address
I already have my Red Panda completed so there is no motivation to aggressively participate in the upcoming FA Other than to help my fellow members
if you have one of the original three bears, or you intend to place one at some point, there is absolutely a reason to participate in the FA and push for those red panda artifacts. During the FA you can still get the recipe to trade 2 red panda + 1000 spell fragments for 1 polar/brown/panda bear artifact.

But personally they'll be going to my second base in Elcysandir so I can get my cute red panda back. The level 3 evolution art is my favorite on this one. :) In Sinya it'll go to finishing the red panda, and in Harandar it'll go to the MA crafting recipe, provided one comes up.