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Block Message Capability


I think it would be great to have the ability to block messages from players outside of your membership who are obnoxious and only try to cause upset and create drama within other fellowships :)


I haven't experienced the need for this, but it certainly seems like a good idea. Unwanted messages could ruin your day rather quickly.


I heard somewhere, I just don't remember where... - When reporting a player's message via the ingame report button, they are automatically blocked from sending further messages to you. At this point in time it is impossible to unblock someone.


Small people with small lives love to come on to a game like this and harass others. It's easy to say ignore them and move on, but often hard to actually do. I haven't had any problems here, but would like a mod to weigh in on this. Is it even possible to block someone?


Yes. You can block someone in the way Frostwyrm mentioned. You report their unwanted message to a moderator and that person is automatically blocked from you. But you cannot unblock them.