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    Your Elvenar Team



What do the blueprints do at the tenth chest? I've never been in a FS that gets more then 4 or 5 chests, so I have no clue.


'magic building upgrades'? Don't understand. Details?


Blueprints upgrade magic residences and workshops at the current time, They will do more in the future.


Normally it takes diamonds to upgrade a magic residence or magic Workshop. Blueprints can be used instead of diamonds.

Ohhhhh AWESOME. I only have 1999 diamonds, and no Magic Buildings. The only one I could think of with Magic in the name is the "Magic Academy.


The best thing, if your going to spend diamonds on is Magic Workshops, they by far outperform regular ones.


so where do you get blueprints at or how do you get blueprints?


The best thing, if your going to spend diamonds on is Magic Workshops, they by far outperform regular ones.

True, but they cost so much Pop that you almost need a Magic Residency to afford it on top of the diamonds.


I think builder upgrades give you the most bang for your buck. Unless you plan on consistently shelling out $20+ each chapter to keep upgrading magic workshops/residences, those great buildings quickly become obsolete.
Having 3, 4 or 5 builders never does.


I agree with "Tedious"... I think builder upgrades give you the most bang for your buck.


Oh Wise One
I rate builders second, after land expansion. Over the life of your city, there's nothing that gives a better return on investment than more land.

Edit: It's actually a little more complex than that. An extra builder is always good, but an upgraded Magic Academy (if you're going to keep it running) is probably a bigger boon.


I rate builders second, after land expansion. Over the life of your city, there's nothing that gives a better return on investment than more land.

Edit: It's actually a little more complex than that. An extra builder is always good, but an upgraded Magic Academy (if you're going to keep it running) is probably a bigger boon.
I feel like the Magic Academy at Level 2 is sufficient. With 2 PoP spells running, I could check in twice a day and have minimum downtime. I'm not putting out as many spells as a Level 5 Academy, but I can keep it cooking most of the time. And that matches my relic accumulation pretty closely. But if my FS were more active in tournaments, I could see wanting a higher Academy.

I also agree that land expansions are great, but I think they're better the earlier you get them. 1 extra expansion in Chapter 2 is amazing. 1 extra expansion in Orcs (when you already have 70+) is less valuable.


Mine is lvl 5 and I wish there was lvl 6 standard spells @ 5 take 4 hours


Hold up... I thought Blueprints only substituted for Magic Residencies & Workshops. They can be used to upgrade any diamond necessary building? And how much is a blueprint equivalent too?


Oh Wise One
Hold up... I thought Blueprints only substituted for Magic Residencies & Workshops. They can be used to upgrade any diamond necessary building? And how much is a blueprint equivalent too?
No. The conversation has segued. At the moment, residences and workshops are the only option for using blueprints.