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    Your Elvenar Team



Many of us will have gained blueprints through the completion of level 10 in tournaments but there is no way of seeing within the game how many blueprints you currently have in stock.

The obvious place for these to be displayed is in the inventory and with the current set up of the inventory including blueprints on the 'instants' tab would seem to be the best place.

Without this the only way of finding out how many blueprints you have available is through Support

Please would you modify the system to clearly identify how many blueprints are available.


Well, I don't know about the many. I haven't yet.
But I would definitely agree they need to be shown on an inventory somewhere.


Have everyone in your fellowship and a few other fellowships that regularly win blueprints send a message to support every week asking how many they have. If they are being asked by 50 cities a week they will probably get the hint after a few weeks. If they get asked by 5000 cities a week then they will definitely get the hint in short order.


Many of us will have gained blueprints through the completion of level 10 in tournaments but there is no way of seeing within the game how many blueprints you currently have in stock.

The obvious place for these to be displayed is in the inventory and with the current set up of the inventory including blueprints on the 'instants' tab would seem to be the best place.

Without this the only way of finding out how many blueprints you have available is through Support

Please would you modify the system to clearly identify how many blueprints are available.

This would really be very helpful to be able to see how many blueprints we have in our inventory.


Have everyone in your fellowship and a few other fellowships that regularly win blueprints send a message to support every week asking how many they have. If they are being asked by 50 cities a week they will probably get the hint after a few weeks. If they get asked by 5000 cities a week then they will definitely get the hint in short order.
Support have told me I currently have 14 blueprints and suggested that I raise this as an idea for game development in this forum. Our fellowship has reached level 10 in 8 of the past 9 tournaments so the numbers for our team are growing pretty quickly.


Fast forward to 2018. People are STILL unable to see how many blueprints you have after their magic building reaches top level. It's been 3 years and it's still not part of main hall inventory. Did Inno plan to get rid of blueprints a long time ago, and that's why it was never implemented?


Active Member
Many of us will have gained blueprints through the completion of level 10 in tournaments but there is no way of seeing within the game how many blueprints you currently have in stock.

The obvious place for these to be displayed is in the inventory and with the current set up of the inventory including blueprints on the 'instants' tab would seem to be the best place.

Without this the only way of finding out how many blueprints you have available is through Support

Please would you modify the system to clearly identify how many blueprints are available.

you can see blueprints when you click on a magical residence or magical workshop and then click to upgrade and hover over the blueprint icon to see how many you have... this is assuming, of course, that you have one of the before mentioned magical buildings. :)


Just a question what are blueprints? I must have been gone too long to know what they are


Oh Wise One
More like not long enough.

They are a similar to a spell or an instant. You currently get one every time your group gets to the tenth chest in the tournament, and they allow you to upgrade a magical residence or workshop without spending diamonds. In theory they were also intended to allow upgrading of event buildings, but that's a-whole-nother sordid tale of deceit and treachery.