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    Your Elvenar Team

Bonuses for being in a fellowship


I think there should be bonuses for being in a fellowship. Like, lets say that you are in a fellowship and the creator or current leader of the fellowship selects an option at the time of creation or at some other point in the game, then anyone who is in that fellowship gets a bonus on something.

Let's say that I create a fellowship and select Marble as our Fellowship buff. Everyone in our fellowship including me gets something like a 10% bonus on how much marble each players marble factories make at all levels.

If I select Military for example, our soldiers deal an extra 5-10% more damage.

If I select Architecture, all buildings build at a 10% reduced rate.

Best of all, as the points for fellowships or whatever increase or whatever else reason someone else can think of, Like let's say having all members of the fellowship at tech level II or something, or 25 members for the first time. We would see all current buffs boosted to the next stage, like soldiers deal 15% more damage now, or we get 20% more marble or building times are reduced 20%. Once you reach that threshold of getting that boost, than it never goes away.

Also, have an option that if something happens or whatever, you unlock a second buff that also scales the same as the other one. Of course, I don't think the numbers should go passed what I mentioned above, but it is a fun idea that makes joining a fellowship and STAYING in one a lot more appealing.


I like this idea but I think the fellowships should be randomly picked by the Elvenar management. That way ot would be fair for all fellowships, the reward could be greater. What if they selected say 15 fellowships a week in each world and gave them an added bonus. This would help the fellowships retain their members and would also create new fellowships.