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Boosted Goods


New Member
At what point do you know which goods are boosted? My refined and basic goods are highlighted but the precious goods are not so am I doing something wrong?



Chef - Head Philologist
That probably just means that you haven't unlocked the researches necessary to make those goods yet. Precious goods don't get unlocked until near the end of chapter III.

Ah, I see you got to it while I was typing. Yes, whatever good you get a production boost for in the research tree will be your boost. You can also look at your city on the world map and the type of provinces situated at 12, 4, and 8 will be your boosted goods.


You can also click or tap on your main hall and look at the relic tab. The first row will be your boosted goods until later chapters when you acquire the other types of goods.


Well-Known Member
You can also click or tap on your main hall and look at the relic tab. The first row will be your boosted goods until later chapters when you acquire the other types of goods.
To add to that post, this thingamabobber when you view the Main Hall:


If it says "Locked", it means you need to do more research. It'll tell you in which chapter your next boost can be unlocked in.

Protip: On the web/browser version, the hotkey "S" will bring that tab up without you needing to interact with your city hall, in the event you don't want to collect the neighborly help coins stashed in it but still want to inspect what's going on in the Main Hall. Think of it as a sort of side door.