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Build Whispering Trees, Culture unchanged


Yes, I logged out and reopened.
Yes, I put in a ticket.
Just reporting here as a heads up to other players.

I'm a low-level player. Just unlocked and built Whispering Trees overnight, which should have had a huge impact on my culture rating.

No apparent change.

Did I write down my culture rating beforehand? Nope. I probably should have, given the glitches this game has. However, I do keep an eye on the weather report. Typically I sit at 160%-170% on my culture scale. I had done some upgrades that dropped it down slightly to 150% yesterday.

Still sitting at about 150% this morning, even after restarting.


Hi ladysin -

Thank you for your report.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


I got a reply back from the support folks that says my culture is correct. Not sure if it got fixed, or if I was reading it wrong, or what. Admittedly, math is not my favorite topic... so if nobody else is having issues, then it was probably me.