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building upgrade to level 4


I am new to the game. I have been trying to upgrade to a level 4 building and it keeps bringing me to a research screen. None of the things that I nee.d are in red which some were before now. Can anyone help please.


This catches me a times, as well, since the upgrade tab is there until you have reached the highest possible level, but it sounds as though you need to research a technology to unlock further upgrades (it's usually quite a ways up the tech tree). If you hover your mouse pointer over the building, and it says, "Upgrade available" in green, then it has been unlocked and something else might be going on. Hope this helps.


yes, i'm having the same issue. it wants diamonds to unlock


No diamonds are necessary. You do research by putting knowledge points collected every hour into your research tree by clicking the open book icon at the bottom of the page. You will unlock the next set of expansions for the residences and be able to build the next set of levels. There are no points in the game where you cannot advance without using diamonds except in the tutorial where you spend diamonds (that they give you for free) to unlock the second builder.


If it helps, you can come by and see my city. I have never purchased any diamonds. I am a bit farther behind than I could be, but I am plugging along and very happy. :)


I am new to the game. I have been trying to upgrade to a level 4 building and it keeps bringing me to a research screen. None of the things that I nee.d are in red which some were before now. Can anyone help please.
I had the same thing for upgrading a residence I believe, and I think this is something that needs improving in game. I just kept up on my research which I needed a few to finally get to the one I needed to upgrade! So just keep on doing the research :) I think it was Advanced Residences Research I needed to be able to upgrade.