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Can relics (not manufactured goods) be sold?


Active Member
Someone on one elf world or the other, was talking about selling relics. They may well have gotten relics and trading of manufactured goods mixed up.

My question is - is it possible to sell relics? My guess is no, they're too tied up with production boosts.

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At the current time, and the developers are being very quiet about it as well, your cannot sell nor exchange relics. Even worse, there is no use for the the six relics that are not associated with your three boosts.

WE have some suggestions, of course, including Elementals, Regional Parks, Fellowship upgrades, etc, etc, etc.


In short, no - you cannot sell or trade/transfer relics. In fact, relics for non-boosted goods are currently functionally useless. Who knows what the developers plan on doing with them in the future, it will probably be something cool though, even players have suggested good ideas on the subject.