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    Your Elvenar Team

Can you tag in? Looking for active folks!

Our US4-Khelonaar fellowship called Expeditionary Forces has spots open. Players whose interest trailed off are being replaced.
Contact ArianahSilverstrand here or in the game. Thanks!
Here's a little outline about us:
Our Fellowship Adventures record was stellar! We have since decided that getting the 3 stage rewards is now what we'd rather do seeing as we used to sit on the game for 6 days straight 18hrs a day to stay competitive and that's just not something folks were willing to continue to do after having that edge for 2 years.
Plus, our runner-up trophy case got crowded. :) This is something that will be revisted as we fill the roster with fresh players who are active for the FAs.
  • Nov 2020= 2nd place (the toughest one yet with new bracelets and residues, and yet we persevered through thick and thin)
  • Oct 2020= 3rd place (we blew our last record away with 65900 points)
  • Apr. 2020=7th place (this one was so competitive since we're all at home during the Covid19 shutdowns playing; but we still made a record 45500 points!)
  • Mar. 2020= 3rd place
  • Nov. 2019=2nd place
  • Sept. 2019= 4th place
  • Mar. 2019= 3rd place
  • July 2019= 5th place
  1. We have a 10 chest push tournament during Planks week. Goal of 1500+ points per member.
  2. We go for minimum 8 chests per tournament! We don't care to overtax our members so that they have time and space to grow.
  3. We are casual but competitive: we're not out for the number one rank in every aspect of the game, however we do work hard to get what we want when it's time.
  4. We're kind: we treat everyone equally.
  5. We're helpful: we grab your trades, and we give Neighborly Help a few times a week without tracking your every visit.
  6. We're mature: we talk out ideas, we don't spam chat with idle gobbledygook (yes I said that word), and we have the group's interest in mind!
  7. We have a simple (there's no continuous mail spam to sift through involved) and equitable (expectation of minimum 5 points a day contribution <your free 5 perk KP> to the current AW build) KP donation system for Ancient Wonders, so your chosen upgrades get done quickly if you've opted to be a participant in the latest rotation.