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Cannot login facebook account city


My City name, or character name or Whatever for my facebook login Is Vasartas. I decided to check out an old city of mine on another account that is email linked rather than linked to Facebook, and when I went back, I clicked on the facebook and it brought me to the wrong account.

It brought me to an account Called Vasarto instead of the Vasartas. Now I cannot get back into my main city, the only city I actually care about. I have deleted all my browsing data and cookies and restarted my computer, logged in and back out of my facebook, but nothing seems to work at all, It keeps bringing me back to the Vasarto (which btw doesn't even have a city at all), and it won't log me into my real account Vasartas.

This is facebook linked, I only have one facebook. Even if I change my facebook name it still is the same account, and yet it brings me to an empty account not mine. What is going on and how do I fix this?


NVM, I figured it out. Apparently if you change the email on your facebook the game won't load your facebook account login city. Switching my email back changed it.