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    Your Elvenar Team

Casino? Strip Club?


There must be one nearby as I keep running out of people!
It takes ages to upgrade my residences... trying to get them all upgraded to 4....
Any suggestions on how to balance population with training troops and building new stuff etc etc...
Do I need to upgrade the main hall to increase population? Or just the residences?


My take starting was build residences, then workshops, as many as you can, upgrade the hall when you get close to filling it, lastly do troops with supplies.


Residences are your main source of Population. Further into the game you can acquire culture buildings and ancient wonders which add population to your town too.

What I do is try to get my population and culture under control first and then try to balance out my workshops so they make enough to cover my troops being trained and my manufactories.

Maz Mellor

Well-Known Member
Do I need to upgrade the main hall to increase population? Or just the residences?

Nope, just the residences; upgrading the main hall only allows you to store more coin and supplies. In fact, upgrading the main hall—like upgrading any other building except a residence—decreases your available population (which translates to "number of inhabitants not currently employed").

Mind you, there are also some culture buildings that grant extra population along with the extra culture, but those all cost diamonds and I suspect you won't have unlocked any of them yet anyway!


Thanks both of you!
Guess I didn't need an upgraded 4 main hall.


Just the Residences. Workers are permanently assigned when you build or upgrade most buildings that need to be connected to the road network. That ended up being nearly everything other than Cultural buildings. So the number in the top bar is how many EXTRA workers you have.

You personal score is the sum of:


Well, if residences are so important, why does it take so long to build an upgrade? I'm stuck doing nothing waiting hours for the upgrade to finish...


The build times will get longer and longer as it is one of their ways to keep us from going too fast. The longest right now is just shy of being over 14 hours without the 10% time off bonus from the builder's hut.