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It's not too hard to figure out that they messed with catering and negotiating values. It's ridiculous. We can't find players to join our fellowship, unless of course we offer 10 chest and spire gold. If your fellowship accepts "NEW" cities (which everyone should), we can't expect help from those players until they get through a bunch of chapters. Who is going to picks up the slack? The seasoned players of course. Now the amounts are getting so high that in order that a non 25 member fellowship or fellowships with new players needs to get a 10 chest are making it impossible to play the CORE game.

I guess INNO doesn't understand that constantly raising values, constantly forcing events (I say forcing because now to complete things like The Season, we are forced to play other events it's a vicious cycle), this scares away a lot of new players, annd frustrates mature players. It's no wonder new players quit so quickly and veteran player get so frustrated they quit after years of playing. STOP KILLING THE GAME INNO!!