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CH16 click fest - when will we see the apply to all for everything else?


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the looong time it will take to get through CH16. The most tedious aspect of the chapter is producing the beverages.
I assume the feature request for "apply to all" as we have for workshops has been forwarded to the devs.
FA badge management is vastly improved from 2018. But the click fest for T1 remains.

We are getting new tournament format that will probably increase manual fighting. This will probably offset the clicks reduced by fighting one battle per province.

Please, please, please make apply to all a priority.


Buddy Fan Club member
I assume the feature request for "apply to all" as we have for workshops has been forwarded to the devs.
It doesn't look like it ever even came up for a vote. There are major issues with having factories with an 'apply to all' feature. Those issues are detailed in @Ashrem's post in that suggestion thread here. Several other posters commented on other reasons to avoid this with factories. The more acceptable idea that came up in that thread was to instead have the 'blue arrows' that are already on mobile for factories of the same type, making it easier to set factories. But no one ever followed through with presenting that as a suggestion and shepherding it through the process.