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chapter 19 event quests


New Member
there is a quests asking for 10-breed facilities and 10-towers. Can I complete breeding fac. get a check in the box, and then remove some to build towers.


Oh Wise One
I have done it. One way to check would be to store one and see what happens. Once the box is checked it's done.

Edit: Someone weigh in if that is different in chapter 19 as opposed to chapter 12, please

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I am past that point and you are required to have all of them out at one time, 10 of each. But they do not have to be connected to the portal to count for the quest.


New Member
Well that didn't work. Stored one breeder and rebooted game. Count went down to 9 and box was unchecked. Going to be fun trying to build 20 4X4 buildings. Lots of space.


New Member
OK, It appears I have to build next to the partal and then move elsewhere but it seems to work Thanks folks:)


Really they don't have to be connected to portal? Any of them? Someone in my friend's FS said they ALL have to touch the portal and the breeders have to be connected by roads!


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Anyone seen a quest list for chapter 19?
I have one on the go earlier in the thread, have 4 more to add to it, and yes Sylvia's is out. The quest wording can be confusing and non contextual, for example, in the case of specifics between Gain, Collect or Produce. I use her site for preplanning events on Beta, so I have a translation guide on sticky note on my PC.