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chapter Spreadsheet guides

Ariel Greensleeves

Active Member
Where would I find a spreadsheet that tells me the total amount of resources I need to get through a specific chapter? Including stuff needed to get through the research tree, max up all the settlement buildings, and achieve all the quests? I know there are math whizzes out that that compile these things and put them into tinyurls, I just can't find them. Right now I'm interested in Elementals chapter

Oh how embarrassing. The data are actually in elvengems. I had just gotten so used to that site being out of date I didn't check first. My bad!


Buddy Fan Club member
@Ariel Greensleeves
Elven Gems will be a great help! There's another resource limited to only the research costs in a chapter. I like it because you can customize by clicking the ones you've completed and get a report showing the resources needed for the remaining techs. It comes in handy in higher chapters where you've finished everything else and just want to know if the chapter will ever end, lol! I found it very helpful in Ch17 where I still believe there's not enough shrimp in all the oceans of Elvenar even if I did finally get out of there!
You can find it here:
Elven Architect Research Calculator