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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Cijber, seeking casual but active players on Arendyll!


New Member
Hi! Formed a new fellowship since I used to play and was having trouble finding a fellowship that would work for me at this time; I started over because I used to be Ch8 on Harandar but wanted to move worlds, and am trying to recruit members prior to the upcoming FA! I mostly want a nice chill community with people who will play semi-regularly, there's no chapter requirements or activity requirements other than I'd kick for extended (2+ month) inactivity if our membership fills.

Just trying to have a nice, fun time with some other players who also want to have somewhere relaxed to play! We are on Arendyll (in case the title got missed lol). We're currently called "cijber RECRUITING" but it'll go back to "cijber unincorporated" after a bit :)