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    Your Elvenar Team

City expansion


I did my research for the city expansion,paid the 20k,pressed where I wanted it, and hit the green checkmark, but never got it. Now I don't have the option to purchase it again,and I'm out the coins. I tried reloading the game several times but to no avail. If someone could help it would be greatly appreciated!


Buddy Fan Club member
The only way to get something like that taken care of is putting in a support ticket. They can review your account and see what happened and fix it for you. Right click on the game and a box pops up. Click 'support' and it will take you to the page to submit a ticket. The other way is to click the settings gear in the bottom right corner of the game, then click the question mark and it will take you to the same support page. I hope they get it fixed for you!