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    Your Elvenar Team

Cold-fire building, evolution artifacts, and shards....


Active Member
Three big complaints rolled into one. :p

Most common complaints brought up by the players I interact with in-game and on discord chat room:


Very under-powered building. A lot of players were looking forward to attaining this one only to find out it is basically an early-game building. Most of my fellowship friends and those I've spoken to in chat are simply using the evolutions for this building to feed into their Fire Phoenix and not taking on the task of constructing it at all. It's sad because it seemed like a great addition to the phoenix trio and it seems this building is simply being ignored by most players. Can this structure be given some sort of a buff in the future?

Building Evolution Artifacts

Really wish these could be more common. My suggestion is to make the Fellowship Adventures more frequently available, and including more evolution artifacts as rewards for different buildings. Waiting a year or more for an artifact for a single building is extremely frustrating to the point where it often makes more sense to simply delete the structure and move on from the issue.

Ancient Wonder Shard Cap

Raising the shard cap from 10 to 20 seems much more fair. I easily earn more than 10 shards in a single tournament and often don't have a building to use it on for quite some time.