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Collecting on buildings issue

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 1061148
  • Start date

Deleted User - 1061148

If I click on a building to just collect, it pulls up the pop-up information window for it immediately. It used to let me click once to collect, then click again to get the pop-up info window to set up (tools, supplies) but now it comes up right away. This gets annoying and also sometimes interferes with gameplay cause sometimes it goes ahead and picks the time to produce without me knowing it,. It has screwed me up several times when doing a quest (thinking I have 6 advanced tools making, then finding out one of them was at a 1-day)
I have contacted Elvenar 3 times on this issue, and they asked me to clean out my browser, I did, and now I am not getting any resolution. I am now being ignored. All culture-giving building are very bad at this as I have to individually click each pop-up information window back off (x out the box) after every collection. It is annoying when I have many many buildings to collect on!
It is NOT on my end-and is on Elvenar's end, and wish I was taken more seriously.
This started happening after the winter update. If I click and hold, then stream down a line of buildings to collect-it will pop-up the info window on the very last one I am on. Please fix this!


Me Too. All my Shops are full and uncollectible. Just this instant (4:30 am PST 2/5/18) I have spent ten minutes trying to find a successful click point to no avail. I am loosing tools every second and see not cure.


Oh Wise One
This has been happening lately on occasion. Reloading usually fixes it. Once I had to reload twice before it started working.


Reloading sometimes needs to go 3-4 times, which is simply not an acceptable play situation.

I once tried a dozen times to reload. HOWEVER in that case it wasn't a bug. The insidious thing about a problem you've seen is that when some other problem presents the same way you just scream at the machine: "WHY HAVEN'T THEY FIXED THIS YET?!!!" instead of engaging the brain. Turned out I had maxed supply on my hall and needed to upgrade. Well, duh.