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    Your Elvenar Team

Confusion about diamonds


What free buildings?
Non-Premium buildings.
I'm thinking now I built too many workshops
Training troops eats up a lot of supplies. As a rough rule of thumb, you'll need at least twice as many Residences as Workshop, and the ratio is even greater if you're a negotiator/caterer rather than a fighter.

But I certainly wouldn't recommend tearing any of them down. You'll just have to rebuild them when you get to the next expansion, because the demand for Coins & Supplies only increases.

The combination Workers/Culture premium buildings are a bit of a trap
  • You'll need LOTS of Coins when you start scouting provinces, and the combo buildings don't generate coins. You'll be looking at a million coins per sector, for scouting, much sooner than you might have expected.
  • Once you've upgraded your Residences/Workshops/Manufacturing for the current chapter, you don't really need more than 100% culture to keep up, so the cultural boost from the combination premium buildings isn't worth as much as you might have expected.
  • But they ARE pretty!
You also have to consider how dedicated you want to be about visiting your Neighbors and Fellowship members, every day, because reciprocal visits are a significant source of Coins/Supplies. etc etc etc. It's somewhat like showing you how to ride a bicycle. There's only so much advice that's useful, until you've done a few laps around the parking lot.
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T...Taking more time now. Right now I'm upgrading all my residences. I will have to have an expansion to move residences around when they require that bigger space. And I'm slowly upgrading the workshops. I'm thinking now I built too many workshops and might be better off selling some off and upgrading the remainder. Anybody have any thoughts on that? Like, a level 5 shop would be equal to how many level 2 shops?

Now you've asked the sixty-four thousand dollar question! The main question is "do you have enough supplies to run your entire city?" Ideally, to be able to keep your Hall inventory full, and manage your upgrades. Workshops are the longest and hardest to upgrade - so pay close attention when you upgrade them to be sure it's necessary, because deleting one is discouraging.

Specifically, the Wiki has the chart listing the output at all levels - it's helpful to gauge present and future needs.


Thank you, bobbipiazza and Katwijk, for explaining a lot to me. I appreciate it.

. I'm skipping upgrading the barracks, builder's hut and magic academy since that'll cost diamonds and I've already spent too much real money for some diamonds. ( I'm thinking now I built too many workshops and might be better off selling some off and upgrading the remainder. Anybody have any thoughts on that? Like, a level 5 shop would be equal to how many level 2 shops?

Barracks is a non-premium upgrade and does not require diamonds.
The elven workshop jumps up to 169 goods/24hour run. How many you need is up to how often you play and how many quests you're willing to run to make up any defeceit. I keep 11 workshops at level 18&19 on aren and I still could use more


New user here, considering quitting already. Thought I'd give some insight.

I've just started this game, but I've done a ton of world-building games over the last bazillion years (anyone old enough to remember Sim City 2000?). The tutorial made a big deal about footpaths, so I put a bunch of footpaths, long before I ever saw this plot-size restriction. Now I have a bunch of footpaths that I can't move, taking up space I need to build buildings. I look for extra space? Can't get it without diamonds. Apparently there's no way to build outside the (ridiculously tiny) beginning space without diamonds. And there's nothing I can see that tells me when that's going to change.

I haven't been playing long enough to care about the game yet (about 15 minutes), and already I'm at a stalemate. Why *should* I come back? Clearly the game wants me to pay to continue, but at this rate I'd rather blow the dust off of Roller Coaster Tycoon again.



The tutorial made a big deal about footpaths, so I put a bunch of footpaths,

You actually have more paths than you need. It's sort of hard to see what's happening behind the pop up, but I can see that you could rearrange your paths and buildings. Also, just click the $ symbol and then each path block to delete them.

If you click into your knowledge book, you'll be able to see when you get expansions. Expansions are earned by defeating provinces and when you hit certain parts of the knowledge tree.


"Also, just click the $ symbol and then each path block to delete them."

Because that makes sense.


Apparently there's no way to build outside the (ridiculously tiny) beginning space without diamonds.
I thought the same thing for a while when I started playing the game, but that is not the case. You can get more space without diamonds, the game just doesn't make it clear. There are two ways to get city expansions without diamonds:

1) As you can see in your screenshot there are "City Expansions". You will be able to buy them for coins after you have researched them in the research tree. As you see the first one will cost you 5000 coins, every following one will cost a bit more.

2) As you can also see in your screenshot there are "Province Expansions". You will get them for finishing provinces on the world map. You can finish a province by negotiating or fighting and winning 8 encounters. I recommend negotiating at first. You will need coins, supplies and goods for negotiating. I think you earn the first province expansion right after you finish your first province. In time you will need to finish more provinces to earn the next province expansion.

"Also, just click the $ symbol and then each path block to delete them."

Because that makes sense.
It kind of does. When you hover your cursor over the $ symbol it says "Sell" and you do in fact get some of the coins and supplies used for a building back when you sell it.*shrug*
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So, managed to delete a bunch of useless paths and add more residences and workshops. Don't have enough of anything to research anything, don't have enough of anything to negotiate anymore... I suppose I could stare at the game and collect beverages every five minutes. Or, you know, not.

This isn't really a game that is meant to be "played", is it? More of a "check in once a day while you're staring at your phone anyway" game?


The game certainly requires lots of waiting (for enough coins, supplies and goods to be produced, for enough knowledge points to accumulate, for buildings to upgrade etc.) while you build and grow your city, yes. I recommend completing the quests Elvenar gives you (click the helpers at the left side of the screen), that gives you something to do and at the same time rewards you with coins and supplies which speeds up your game. (There are other things you can do later in the game if you continue to play, but waiting is still a part of the game unless you speed things up with diamonds.) If you want to continue playing I recommend reading Bobbykitty's and Mykan's Beginner's guides, you can find both on this forum here: https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/new-player-guide-beginner-guide.3461/ .


We cannot lie...you will spend a lot of time waiting, or you will pay, and then continue waiting...

There's not much active play - not like other social games. And there are some recent changes that make the no/low pay version more restricted than it used to be...

Obviously, there are some aspects of the game that can grab us, or we wouldn't still be here. Lots of players like the routine - check in, do a few chores, chat with fellowship members. Further along there are Tournaments: not exciting, more like carpel tunnel development, but it's something to do while the TV is on...

If you make another game your primary love - then fill in the time in-between with Elvenar - you may find just the sweet spot. That way you can enjoy it here - like watching the grass grow - and avoid the frustrate-until-you-spend marketing methodology.


This may come as a surprise, but dragging folks through content is just another way of being a Control Freak.

Folks stick around if you help them learn how to PLAY the game effectively, not if you play it for them.
That would be like showing somebody how to ride a bicycle. It doesn't work that way.
Inno's entire approach to the research tree is dragging me through content!


Also, I just discovered that I need 250 diamonds to upgrade my magic hall. How do people actually advance without spending any diamonds?

I have the MA. I have 2 slots. and truth be told, you do not need more than that for anything. It takes an incredible length of time to develop one spell. so fill those two slots and then a day later collect one and fill it while the other is beginning.


On every level you reach they offer new culture buildings that are better than the ones before. And since we don't have any way to store anything, people end up deleting the buildings they just bought with better ones. It can get super expensive. But, you don't ever have to buy any of those buildings either. So this game can be played totally free. :)

Bobby is correct. smiles. you do not have to. If you are a regular player and have little patience like myself, and grow quickly, the culture you can buy with coins is incapable of keeping up with your need to upgrade. so you end up buying something with diamonds. I spent a ton of money on diamond culture. and sadly regret it. why? because it does become obsolete in the next chapter and then you sell and get nothing for it. it is just deleted. I will no longer purchase culture for diamonds. It is silly to do so unless you are a millionaire. (not an exaggeration) I learned my lesson the hard way. It was painful. so, my advice is to... sigh... wait... until you can research and build higher valued culture. yes it slows down your game play.. a lot. but... you save a ton of money (the real stuff) and by chapter 5 you are doing research for some good value culture (Central Place) that is purchased by coins.